2022-03-29 Meeting notes

2022-03-29 Meeting notes


  • Tom Bustos, Operations Team (co-chair)

  • Stacy McKenna, Acquisitions Operations Subteam chair (absent)

  • Michelle Polchow, eResources Operations Subteam chair

  • Jesse Kruppa, Discovery Operations Subteam chair

  • Ernesto Mendez, Fulfillment Operations Subteam chair , note taker

  • Alison Ray, Resource Sharing Operations Subteam chair

  • Liz Miraglia, Resource Management Operations Subteam chair

  • Caitlin Nelson, SILS Operations Center at CDL representative


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Meeting fundamentals / Team Charter

Set the “ground rules” on communications within the group and also between this team and the Ops Team / Sub Teams.

Do we record meetings?

Meeting days/times. This will help inform the agenda development to better prepare.

How do we determine priorities? 

How should we identify issues to bring to Ex Libris? 

What should be standing topics for discussion?




Take a look through pages 4-7 of The UCLAS-integrated SILS structure, work practices and charges: https://libraries.universityofcalifornia.edu/groups/files/sils/docs/SILS_UCLASintegrated_06232021_Final.pdf

Every other Tuesday at 1pm 60 min, (30 for SC?)

  • 10 minute check-in for OST needs as a standing agenda item

  • Caitlin will check with rest of Chairs

  • Vice-Chair to attend All Chairs meeting when Chair cannot.

  • Meetings will be recorded

Note-taker rotates by first-name alpha

  1. record all meetings
@Caitlin Nelson checkin with Stacy + Jesse about alt tues 1-2 for all chairs meeting

Taking the Temperature Follow-up

Communication flow. :
Many of the previous communications team duties are now with Operations Team. Things like Town Halls, SILS Newsletters, etc. should be distributed by that group. We can help by providing the information for them via our decisions, collaborative discussions, Subteams work plans.
Discuss channels available to us.

How are your work plans developing? Is the Work Plan Directory a helpful tool for you?



Work Plan Directory

Once the workplans are set up, we can start identifying consortia-wide issues more easily.

Workplans are filled with stuff that were theoretical in Phase 4, and now need to be redeveloped.

Communication transition is needed to help share info throughout campus staff and SILS members.

Sharing directory might be useful during town hall. Important to agree on workflow before moving forward.




Other agenda items

Cover topics that folks want to talk about



Acq: “my Act Ops team is asking if there’s a possibility for a (Non-Ex Libris led) Analytics training workshop/session to help all of us Ops Teams get a better handle on our Analytics responsibilities. We’re hoping for folks with intimate knowledge of our setup.”

ill terms visibility: (at UCD: ILL terms to be revealed to present, adopt UCD’s display of ILL terms in PrimoVE): 2 step process, one in eres/acq for terms, another in discovery for primove display; Eres update RS + Disc as goes on

  1. Eres to keep RS + Disc updated on ‘ill terms visibility’ project



Ex Libris Support Call Reporting

Items requested by this team included:

“Tier 2” tickets taking too long!

  • Shelf ready ticket 

  • FTP import (06217600)

post migration health reports → operations reports?



Support team will try to be more responsive.

Do not hesitate to nag them.




ExL Support Call Questions for the next call (4/18)

ExLibris / UC Library Support call Monday, April 18. Do you have any questions that would be appropriate for a consortial call with the North America Support Team?

Specific Tickets that need to be addressed?



feel free at any time to reach out to UC side of this team

SILS SM (Caitlin), OT chair (Tom), OTvhcair (Jackie), NZ Admin (Gem SL)






Phase 4 Work Handoff

Clarify any questions regarding the work handoff items.



Topic discussed in the process of discussing the “taking the temperature” follow-up.




Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion



ILL Terms - new decision page or list of questions. (incl. RS, Disc, Eres, Acq) - Added to “Other agenda items” for this meeting.

(regularly?): any specific tickets to check in on??

clean up detritus - proliferated meeting notes? ‘too long' work plans? finished projects? etc…





















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The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu