2023-1-17 All Chairs Meeting notes
Tom Bustos, Operations Team (co-chair)
Stacy McKenna, Acquisitions Operations Subteam chair
Michelle Polchow, eResources Operations Subteam chair
Jesse Kruppa, Discovery Operations Subteam chair
Ross Anastos, Fulfillment Operations Subteam chair
Alison Ray (CDL), Resource Sharing Operations Subteam chair
Liz Miraglia, Resource Management Operations Subteam chair
Caitlin Nelson, SILS Operations Center at CDL representative
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | (STANDING ITEM) Subteam Roundup | Check-in on OSTs - capture any shared issues or cross-team task | 5 | Team | F OST ACQ OST - mtgs start back up 1/23/23, mostly in holding pattern pending CDL procedure development RM CMOS - start meeting later this week; no news yet. RS OST: Concluding Tipasa Pilot, including defining next phases & contingency plans (delays) if Tipasa not ready for summer. Three other active projects on track ERES - initiated ‘steering committee’ leadership role, Tamara takes leave next month until July. Committee - Chair + Sherry Lochhaas (CDL), Sarah Sheets (UCM) and Jharina Pascual (UCI) |
2 | Questions from Slack | FYI on anything quick that came up | 5 |
| EIMP getting up and running - how to make sure we liaise with with as needed?
3 | ExLibris Support Call update | FYI on the discussion from December Support Call | 10 | Tom / Caitlin | Tipasa related concern regarding the integration was really caused by a Santa Cruz implementation of the integration. However, this exposed the need to flag integration tickets for escalation to ExLibris. When opening an integration related ticket, please be sure to highlight this in the subject line. For example, this could have been tagged as “OCLC Integration”. |
4 | SILS membership turnover | Discussion about what might come up in the future - update from the Operations Team | 15 | Tom / Caitlin | Staff turnover comes up in July, so thinking ahead to what those procedures will be. Also thinking about cleanup / prep that would be appropriate.
| @Caitlin Nelson Send the brainstorm doc to AllChairs slack and email |
5 | Ex Libris Analytics Idea Exchange | Discuss what kind of comments to put on this idea | 10 | Gem Stone-Logan / Team | (Start at 1:30pm)
| @Caitlin Nelson send blurb about Ex Libris idea exchange for OSTs, including task and timeline |
6 | STANDING - Work Plan Directory review |
| 5 | Team |
7 | ExL Support Call Questions for the next call (1/23) | ExLibris / UC Library Support call Monday, January 23rd. Do you have any questions that would be appropriate for a consortial call with the North America Support Team? Specific Tickets that need to be addressed? | 10 | Tom/Team | feel free at any time to reach out to UC side of this team SILS SM (Caitlin), OT chair (Tom), OTvhcair (Jackie), NZ Admin (Gem SL)
8 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
9 |
| Total | 55/60 |
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