2023-11-21 All Chairs Meeting notes
Jackie Gosselar, OT Chair
Tammy Guziejka, Acquisitions Operations Subteam chair
Hermine Vermeij, Resource Management Operations Subteam chair
Ross Anastos, Fulfillment Operations Subteam chair
Tamara Pilko, E-Resources Operations Subteam chair
Gem Stone-Logan, Discovery Operations Subteam chair
Jared Campbell, Discovery VC
Caitlin Nelson, SILS Operations Center at CDL representative (out)
Jason Newborn – Resource Sharing Subteam Chair
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | (STANDING ITEM) Subteam Roundup | Check-in on OSTs - capture any shared issues or cross-team task | 10 | Team | ERES: Working on a draft of “Best Practices for writing a support ticket” and then share with other subteams for additions/feedback Disc: Discussed the Q4 features for Primo VE. Next week we’ll be back to looking at Exclude CDI eBooks. RM: Submitted proposal to expand NZ access; enabled functionality to restrict adding 590 fields to NZ bib records; planning for all-UC sharing session on bib maintenance in January. F: Pressing pause until January. We’ll still have a couple more meetings but they’ll just be temperature checks. RS: Author field not populated in Resource sharing form | ||
2 | Questions from Slack | FYI on anything quick that came up | 5 | Team | Acq: Interested user hold cancelled issue → related to idea exchange from Erika from UCR. UCR is running a report to find affected holds, and then manually updating holds. Behavior change; previously worked and now is not. Unclear whether it was from a release or change to the consortia
| @Gem Stone-Logan to create consortial ticket. @Tamara Guziejkato document the specific case as well as possible and share existing UCR ticket with Gem |
3 | OT / LG updates |
| 5 | Jackie |
4 | State of the SILS Town Hall | Discuss format and agenda for January “State of the SILS” Townhall | 25 | Team |
5 | Team Charter | Have a plan for these meetings going forward that fit with the outcomes the team wants |
6 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
7 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
8 |
| Total | x/x |
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