2021-03-31 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes

2021-03-31 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes


Mar 31, 2021 11AM-12:30PM

Zoom: See calendar item or inquire with Chair for Zoom details.


  • @Lisa Spagnolo , UC Davis (co-chair)

  • @Mark Hemhauser (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley (notetaker)

  • @Paula Pascual , UC Irvine (timekeeper)

  • @Stacy McKenna , UCLA

  • @Sarah Sheets , UC Merced

  • @Carla Arbagey , UC Riverside (co-chair)

  • @Judy Keys , UC San Diego

  • @Lisa Wong , UC Santa Cruz

  • @Holly Eggleston (Unlicensed) , California Digital Library

  • @Susan Boone , UC San Francisco

  • @Maricel Cruz (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Barbara

Not Attending

Future agenda items

Discussion items


Desired Outcome



  • Notes




Desired Outcome



  • Notes





Getting situated, reviewing agenda, roles





Admin Items

  • Announcements

  • Action Item Checks


Lisa S.






Updates: specifically from PPC (and other SILS groups)

Shared understanding of PPC and other SILS group activities, including what is routing to/affecting our FG.


Lisa S. / others

No PPC meeting March 26 (holiday)

CDI updates (see below)

Other groups?

  • CDL--troubleshooting and reporting--what’s in the NZ? How are we tracking functionality questions?

  • SFX links….

  • Credentials and vendors and where things live for systemwide resources

  • CDL trying to make things more accessible to campuses

  • Sequence deliverables in ER--plan in place before go live, what needs to happen first, second, etc.

  • Question. Local access to NZ analytics? Check with Gem and Alison on how may be visible from IZ (noting direct access to NZ is limited and being reviewed as test cases arise).




Lisa will share PPC recording (Friday) CDI discovery impact


Upcoming Sessions

Review any upcoming sessions involving AEFG and planning/preparing.



3/25: Fiscal Year-End Session - posted and shared. See 4/22 Ex Libris Session on Fiscal Close.

  • refined blurb to go out to all about what AEFG has been up to.

4/5: Lisa S. and Carla giving brief update at Ex Libris Project Update session (RMFG also presenting).

  • what are upcoming topics, what’s challenging right now?

Planning request for additional session on invoicing-related topics, tax (VAT settings, adjustments, use tax).

  • going to bring in use tax

  • discuss about edi, coordinated between campuses?

  • spreadsheet loading

  • coordinate with Mark on these


@Lisa Spagnolo will test fiscal year grace periods in light of cutover. [Adjusted due date: to share out before 4/22 Ex Libris Fiscal Close session.]

@Lisa Spagnolo @Mark Hemhauser (Unlicensed) put together ideas for invoicing and use tax session


CDI Discussion

Brief update on the CDI item, related discussion, next actions for understanding / collaboration.



From 3/24 notes:

Do we really have a choice between Easy Active and Fully Flexible models? What are the discovery implications? What is the service impact on ERM and Resource Sharing? What are the implications for NZ/consortial-level access? CDI Collection List (March 4, 2021) contains all collections that are marked in Alma as In CDI.

  • CDI turned on for CDL, but still trying to verify and test

  • UCD move from PCI to CDI – ExL has taken some migration actions in anticipation of move that are still present in Alma.

  • UCI - ProQuest databases turned on all locally available databases in PCI, now appear to be on in IZ, but now a duplicate, deduplication didn’t happen

    • can’t opt out of this problem

    • set up our own session to look into further--UCSF, UCI, CDL?--AEFG first, then reach out to Discovery

  • Need to talk more broadly about bibliographic records versus the CZ type of records to be used by e-resources--there’s a big shift that needs to be talked about

Update re: how this issue is being handled in the project structure, and what our next best action might be.

U Minnesota e-resource collaboration powerpoint




Migration Data Prep Check-In

Continuing discussion of items that need attention for final extract prep. Goal to get to conclusion to route final recommendations.



LS Proposing:

Clean-up of vendor records after go-live. Migrating campuses vendor file is not migrated again at cutover; already-Alma as needed.

P2E: continued local work to adjust as needed based on test outcomes (no additional direction from AEFG)

Other data migration issues: 856 fields, noting the query re: 856 42 for finding aid use. Alternatives for finding aids.

Add: A lot of CZ activated CDL things that are “local” Holly doesn’t know where they are coming from. Possibly all going to be clean-up.


  • 035 lacking prefixes, working on solution

  • post-migration clean-up--getting 856s out of NZ records

Alma sites share how they handle things like multi-volume monographs.


@Lisa Spagnolo to ask Sarah S. about ILSDC clean-up that AEFG should revisit.
@Lisa Spagnolo to set up doc for Migration Clean-up to assess capacity pre-final extract.

Action: share how already-Alma sites mange things like MVMs.


Testing Planning (combined with previously separate MVP item)

Two outcome streams: 1) Determining work plan / assignments for next couple of weeks and possible delivery of Decision Page(s) to PPC for April 9 meeting, and 2) Assess in context of collaborative testing, PPC overview, timeline planning, etc. 3/31 emphasis on e-resources items to ensure adequate granularity / decision page representation, etc.



Campus E-Resource workflow documentation that’s been shared from already-Alma campuses is in the Google drive.

Also see CSU documentation.

Testing Worksheet for PPC from Vanguard

Collaborative Workflow Testing (initiated by RMFG/Discovery/AEFG before winter holiday break)

  • AEFG-MVP-003 needs to really move forward; should this go to the TS Escalation Group? Likely not given operational expertise in FGs. Collaboration across FGs is on-track.

Test Load testing processes and procedures

See PPC MVP spreadsheet

Timeline for AEFG Testing Management

3/31 Update:

From 003 Vendor Records/Import Profiles

  • UCSC is working on sharing and testing their merge profile. Test workflows and see what comes out. Using an NZ record. Will report back next week.

  • Some meeting notes on this.

  • Next session April 7th from 3-4.

From 001/002: E-Resources CZ/NZ/IZ linking/Campus Purchase Order Practice for Data Integration

  • 001--proposal, CDL shares out the e-collection their PO is linked to when sending the detailed recharge

    • does this affect Discovery?

    • are we turning ON our link to the e-collection?

    • gather a few resources:

      • Wiley ejournals

      • JSTOR hosting fees

      • BioMed Central membership

      • Nature journals

      • LexisNexis Uni (as a database)







Identify/confirm next actions







Parking Lot

To save for future discussion



Circle back to Shared Vendors outcomes - from 12/9 meeting notes (https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/dFGWARAe )

Licensing discussion: Need to build out timeline, investigate what data can be exported, what we need to have in place.

Training placeholder: outbound linking (needs confirmation of SFX availability); EDI invoicing.

What additional conversations needed re: routing of UC-elinks equivalent troubleshooting?

Sharing our Alma workflow documentation for e-resources





The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu