2021-04-21 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes

2021-04-21 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes


Apr 21, 2021 11AM-12:30PM

Zoom: See calendar item or inquire with Chair for Zoom details.


  • @Lisa Spagnolo , UC Davis (co-chair)

  • @Mark Hemhauser (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley

  • @Paula Pascual , UC Irvine

  • @Stacy McKenna , UCLA (timekeeper)

  • @Sarah Sheets , UC Merced (notetaker)

  • @Carla Arbagey , UC Riverside (co-chair)

  • @Judy Keys , UC San Diego

  • @Lisa Wong , UC Santa Cruz

  • @Holly Eggleston (Unlicensed) , California Digital Library

  • @Susan Boone , UC San Francisco

  • @Maricel Cruz (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Barbara

Not Attending

Future agenda items

Discussion items


Desired Outcome



  • Notes




Desired Outcome



  • Notes





Getting situated, reviewing agenda, roles





Admin Items

  • Announcements

  • Action Item Checks


Lisa S.






Updates: specifically from PPC (and other SILS groups)

Shared understanding of PPC and other SILS group activities, including what is routing to/affecting our FG.


Lisa S. / others

PPC meeting April 16


Hearing positive feedback from SGTF re: input to have Electronic Resources and Acquisitions be distinct groups post Go-Live.




Upcoming Sessions

Review any upcoming sessions involving AEFG and planning/preparing.



Invoicing/Tax Session: To confirm w/ Ex Libris either April 27 or May 4th at 9am our time.

Preparing for 4/22 Fiscal Close Session - note Marci sent call for questions ahead of time.


Once finalized, invite non-cohort interested parties to the Fiscal rollover and tax sessions.




MVP Check-In (from PPC)

More detailed review of MVP in response to clean-up for PPC for more extensive sharing.



MVP Spreadsheet Page

From PPC:

What needs to be complete by 4/28:

  1. Reassess timelines

  2. Make sure all columns/rows are complete.

    1. If the column cannot be filled in, a brief explanation will suffice.

    2. If you are unsure of what to put in a given column, enter your best guess with a question mark.

    3. If any columns have the designation “TBD”, pls indicate what needs to be done.

  3. Delete rows that are blank and fill in any that are place holders.

  4. Resolve comments

  5. Review your categories and ensure they are properly tagged e.g, a service is something your FG is providing (like loading OCLC records); a policy which is a decision. There could also be a hybrid situation where something is a service and a recommendation (policy).

  6. Add links for any items that have a decision page

  7. Look at all the items you’ve listed to see if they are actually something your group has to do or decide e.g., if a campus wants to request analytics, what is the process? The MVP should only be added to if your group has to either enable something or make a decision about it.

  8. Move anything that is part of a checklist for testing to an internal document.

Proposed action: lightweight clean-up. Follow-up on next Co-Chairs call 4/26 for Weds 4/28 AEFG final sign-off.

@Carla Arbagey to clean up.

Testing Planning (combined with previously separate MVP item)

Two outcome streams: 1) Determining work plan / assignments for next couple of weeks and possible delivery of Decision Page(s) to PPC by end of April/early May meeting, and 2) Assess in context of collaborative testing, PPC overview, timeline planning, etc. 4/21 emphasis on developing/ refining more solid proposals in the respective Decision Pages.



Campus E-Resource workflow documentation that’s been shared from already-Alma campuses is in the Google drive.

Also see CSU documentation.

Test Load testing processes and procedures

See PPC MVP spreadsheet

Timeline for AEFG Testing Management

3/31 Update:

From 003 Vendor Records/Import Profiles

From 001/002: E-Resources CZ/NZ/IZ linking/Campus Purchase Order Practice for Data Integration

@Lisa Spagnolo to calendar for more meeting time for Import Profile testing.
Finalize decision pages as able by next meeting.
Respond to Lisa to interest on a session on Analytics.


Identify/confirm next actions







Parking Lot

To save for future discussion



Circle back to Shared Vendors outcomes - from 12/9 meeting notes (https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/dFGWARAe )

Licensing discussion: Need to build out timeline, investigate what data can be exported, what we need to have in place.

Training placeholder: outbound linking (needs confirmation of SFX availability); EDI invoicing.

What additional conversations needed re: routing of UC-elinks equivalent troubleshooting?

Sharing our Alma workflow documentation for e-resources





The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu