2021-06-02 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes

2021-06-02 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes


Jun 2, 2021 11:00AM-12:30PM

Zoom: Inquire with Lisa Spagnolo for link


  • @Lisa Spagnolo, UC Davis (co-chair, convener)

  • @Mark Hemhauser (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley

  • @Paula Pascual , UC Irvine

  • @Stacy McKenna , UCLA

  • @Sarah Sheets , UC Merced

  • @Carla Arbagey , UC Riverside (co-chair)

  • @Judy Keys , UC San Diego

  • @Lisa Wong , UC Santa Cruz

  • @Susan Boone , UC San Francisco (timekeeper)

  • @Lisa Mackinder , California Digital Library (notetaker)

  • @Maricel Cruz (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Barbara

Not Attending

Discussion items


Desired Outcome



  • Notes




Desired Outcome



  • Notes





Getting situated, reviewing agenda, roles


Lisa S.



Admin Items

  • Announcements

  • Other


Lisa S.

Insert End-User Outreach/Communication aspect into Testing agenda items for next few weeks.



Remember to check/add your out dates in our tracker


Updates: specifically from PPC (and other SILS groups)

Shared understanding of PPC and other SILS group activities, including what is routing to/affecting our FG.


Lisa S. - Carla / others

PPC meeting May 28 Notes

  • Decision Pages

    • Getting these finalized so that End User Outreach can create training docs

  • MVP: Finalized Public Version

  • MVP 014: discussed scope for AEFG.

  • Analytics: confirmed OK for TSELG - Lisa S. followed up with Jim Dooley on 6/1.






@Lisa Spagnolo or @Carla Arbagey to verify what specific date already Alma campuses need to switch over to Easy Active
Lisa S working with Liz (RMFG) to adjust normalization rules for NZ templates.
Lisa S will send an email asking already-Alma campuses take screen-shots for configuration standardization (e.g Melvyl)
End-user outreach assistance documentation

Final Stages MVP Work & Testing:

001 Linking IZ orders to relevant CDL e-collections

002 Campus Purchase Order Practice to Support Systemwide and Other Data Reporting




Review current state of respective Decision Pages, final language adjustments, ready to approve? and TIMELINE REVIEW



Campus E-Resource workflow documentation that’s been shared from already-Alma campuses is in the Google drive.

Also see CSU documentation.

Test Load testing processes and procedures

See PPC MVP spreadsheet

Timeline for AEFG Testing Management

Review of 001 and 002 in light of CDL-side migration and post-go-live work (including clean-up of e-inventory, building POL structure, etc.). Post-go-live consultation, follow-up testing expected.

  • 002 - Lisa S changed wording to reflect relying on CZ inventory to the extent possible; add a point that different ER types will have different inventory and pathway possibilities

  • 001 - Lisa S met with Adriana Moran; made changes based on this convo and with Carla. Added distribution to CDL Acq liaisons, UCelinks liaisons; moved to background the section about license agreements. Still building out how license will migrate for CDL and how Tier 3 licenses should be their own thing rather than attached to CDL inventory. Haven’t delved deeply into license agreement configurations yet.


Test 4th & 5th reporting codes when these are added to Alma Analytics in the June 2021 release.

Ex Libris says the 4th and 5th reporting codes will NOT be available for migration: Basecamp post

002 approved in spirit/provisionally on this call (mostly 4s)

001 approved provisionally on this call (4s and 5s) - with footnote that it’s still in development


@Lisa Mackinder Will review the workflow for e-collections with CDL colleagues

@Lisa Spagnolo will follow up with Lisa M on testing the SAGE Complete POL

Final edits to 002 decision page by end of day Thurs 06/03/21

In Progress MVP Work:

006 Outbound linking from Vendor Platforms

008 Best practices regarding troubleshooting/broken links

014 Configuration of E-Resources/Discovery Settings in Alma

Initial discussion and tentative work plan



See PPC MVP spreadsheet

Work Plan: Timeline for AEFG Testing Management

008 Decision Page:

  • Incorporating consultation with other groups as needed: Discovery FG, PSELG. Also has an End-User Outreach component and impact for local campus messaging.

  • Day 1 vs. after clean-up or other changes that may affect troubleshooting path (including 006) - for both IZ-level and CDL/NZ-level.

  • Comparing with CSU and SUNY troubleshooting documentation to facilitate framework for Decision Page.
    heading off simple problems (e.g. UCD making sure users are in VPN)
    triage: know who can solve the problem; also knowing the user’s path to the problem
    Metadata problems in CDI: letting public-facing groups know what to look for and how to report.

006 Decision Page:

  • See Lisa S' document from UCD work

  • Developing a process that will scale across multiple campuses.

  • From 5/19: Lisa M. spoke to Alison Ray: CDL will need to figure out which resources will need to be changed systemwide vs. locally.

  • From 5/26: Lisa S. checked with Discovery FG re: Get It at UC graphic, following up to ensure image files will meet content providers' file requirements. Per Jess at PPC, image already created is OK for EUOS needs.

014 Decision Page - Alma/Primo Configuration that touches on Electronic Resources

  • Comes out of primo workshops; talked about it at PCC last week

  • Created space in AEFG Collab: Alma/Primo config.

  • People will be asking about this to the extent they need to make changes.

  • In Google doc, put snapshots of IZ config pages. Config settings are in Alma, not Primo: Alma Config/Fullfillment/Discovery Interface Display Logic

  • Discovery Interface Display Logic: local settings about hiding/displaying services (eg, Melvyl; UC request; purchase request; hold request)

  • General Electronic Services includes AEON, ILL, SpecColl requests, Report a Problem, etc.

  • Direct Linking Configuration: local settings on/off.

  • Coordinate with local groups; AEFG might not have much to say about this other than that.

  • This topic could need coordination at the local level; we are just calling attention to it.

  • Aefg can provide context and implications for those services that are ER related (scope confirmed at PCC)

  • Lisa S ask: if AEFG doesn’t advise on turning off Melvyl, which group would?


From 5/19: 008: Recommend using the locals' current method to contact the library to report a problem (varies by campus) , then designated staff will report to CDL Helpline

(006 decision page):

  • Before finalizing decision page, Lisa/Carla sending email to AEFG to coordinate w/ local colleagues who manage ERs as appropriate on each campus, to manage outbound linking for content providers for ERs. Will coordinate w/ CDL for content providers as appropriate.

  • 008 needs more workshop time; need to distill to policy level recommendations that can be appropriate across all campuses

  • 008 decision page should be a policy document; with clear indication AEFG is working on procedure layers

  • 008: CDL needs to create pages about recurring problems, and how campuses should interact with cdl, like salesforce vs CDL Helpline

  • 008: Clarification needed w/ Lena and Christine re: known issues about Alma/Primo functionality and migration, vs known issues about setting up ERs.




Lisa S will bring the issue of efficient distribution of troubleshooting tasks to PPC.

Lisa S and Susan will confirm with ICs about base URLs and custom domains.

@Lisa Spagnolo and @Carla Arbagey Will draft an email preparing for 006 link resolver work: UCeLinks query to build a vendor list. Do this before moving on with decision page.
@Lisa Spagnolo Go into UCD history to get image sizes for 006; talk to Alison Ray for help w/ this as needed
@Lisa Mackinder talk with CDL colleagues about creating recurring problem page
@Lisa Spagnolo Ask Lena and Christine for rescope of known issues mentioned in SILS chairs: ER known issues vs Ex Libris known issues re: migration
@Lisa Spagnolo will start drafting a page for 014 by end of this week
@Lisa Spagnolo@Carla Arbagey@Maricel Cruz (Unlicensed) will determine which config options we should advise on for 014. Maricel consult with Jeremy (?) about whether there are other config options we should advise on.


Identify/confirm next actions







Parking Lot

To save for future discussion



Licensing discussion: Need to build out timeline, investigate what data can be exported, what we need to have in place.

Training placeholder: outbound linking (needs confirmation of SFX availability); EDI invoicing.

Analytics: look into doing an internal training session once MVP decision pages are done





The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu