2020-09-23 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes

2020-09-23 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes


Sep 23, 2020 11AM-12:30PM


See calendar item or inquire with Chair for Zoom details.


  • @Lisa Spagnolo , UC Davis (co-chair)

  • @Mark Hemhauser (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley

  • @Paula Pascual , UC Irvine

  • @Stacy McKenna , UCLA

  • @Sarah Sheets , UC Merced

  • @Carla Arbagey , UC Riverside (co-chair) (notetaker)

  • @Judy Keys , UC San Diego (timekeeper)

  • @Lisa Wong , UC Santa Cruz

  • @Holly Eggleston (Unlicensed) , California Digital Library

  • @Susan Boone , UC San Francisco

  • @Maricel Cruz (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Barbara

Not attending


Future agenda items

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








Getting settled, reviewing agenda, roles



Adding an item on user roles, time permitting.


Admin Items

  • Action Item Checks


Lisa S.

Lisa is planning a review of previous action items


@Lisa Spagnolo to review action items

Updates: specifically from PPC (and other SILS groups)

Shared understanding of PPC and other SILS group activities, including what is routing to/affecting our FG.


Lisa S. / others

No PPC Meeting 9/18; for future meetings PPC is asking for items of note by Wednesday of the week, if no items are brought up the Friday meeting will be cancelled

Updates from SILS Town Hall:

  • Planning a quarterly SILS Open House meeting for all library staff, first will be Nov. 2

  • Funding for the ILS is stable through the 23/24 year

Reminder: our FG presentation is on 12/15




Basecamp Review

Review with FG items from Basecamp from other groups, pertinent to scope, including timeline.


Lisa S./ All

Quick review of known items.

Funds: note that if a fund has $0 allocation it will not show up in drop-down lists. There is a global setting that can be changed to allow over-expenditure.

Moving forward we are shifting our Basecamp review to more global/over-arching items; FG members can bring to our attention local issues of note if we need to check in on it

Reviewed upcoming meetings and workshop times. The 9/17 ExL session on Primo VE was particularly useful for e-resources management.


All: keep a lookout for Basecamp items/local issues of note to our FG



Data Migration Testing / and Preparing for FG Testing

Brief progress check on Vanguard site data validation, determine actions/ assignments/ subgroups for FG testing.



A question about Analytics and what carries forward to full production (ADDED: check for Laurie’s comment on this from 9/10 session.)

FG Testing - Finalizing Structure

  • Review of test items and development into draft Decision Pages (Lisa S. to provide initial drafts). Discussion of the testing pages > these will become decision pages later on but we can use for notes. brainstorming, tracking example records before adding to Confluence

  • Time estimation

  • Subgroups - division of test items across FG (& assuming test access as submitted)

    • Have broad areas represented in working pages

    • See in Column F of Testing Issue/Question Tracker

    • Subgroups can set up a Zoom meeting to share screens and test in Alma

How did one-on-one sessions go? How is local site testing going?

  • Found these useful and helpful. Discussed navigation issues/quirks in Alma.

  • There were some issues with order records migrating for Berkeley.

  • Question: do Alma libraries like using the print standing order type?

Outcome: plan for initiating FG-level testing over next week.

  • Do we need separate NZ logins? Not yet - still getting used to IZ views; will we need NZ access to do reporting/analytics that we need to do?


Alma users: do you like using the print standing order order type?
@Lisa Spagnolo Reply to Alison Ray that Lisa Wong should have NZ access
All: add your initials in Column F of the issue tracker to form subgroups

Resource Management Test Items

Review RMFG items for Acq/ERM FG consultation.


Lisa S/ All

  • Need clarification on what they are looking for with local data questions / 856 data

  • More to come: will build in feedback to their FG in future meetings




Consortial Workflow Subgroup

Determining final details/outcomes for 9/24 subgroup on consortial workflows.


Lisa S. / Holly / all

Outcomes/Agenda Document

Supplementary documents

Working with UCSD and their payments to CDL - will form a smaller group to discuss; what other points should be noted regarding recharge and centralized payment?

  • Will this result in a recommendation for harmonization?

Shared Vendors:

  • CSUs are not currently using shared vendors

  • What implications are there for ER and usage stats?




Fiscal Close Planning

Brief item on fiscal close for FY21. Action item to gather campus dates.


Lisa S.

Capture of key fiscal close dates on campuses via central document.

Projected go-live is 7/21, there is a technical services freeze for 6-8 weeks preceding that, so we need to know which dates the campuses use as their cut-off - which date is typically your fiscal year snapshot?

  • Implication is that we would not be able to pay invoices from mid-May to July 21.


All: Fill out central document on fiscal close dates for your campus


Identify/confirm next actions






Parking Lot

To save for future discussion







The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu