2022-06-14 CDLNZ-PT Testing Work Session
@Gem Stone-Logan , facilitator
@Tamara Pilko
@Lisa Mackinder
@Sherry Lochhaas
@Maria Figueroa
@Lisa Spagnolo
Not attending:
@Caitlin Nelson , project champion
@Erika Quintana
@Angelica Felix
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Facilitator intro | Set expectations for the outcomes of this meeting | 5 | Gem | Record or not? Confirm areas to test. | ||
2 | Additional License Testing Follow-Up |
| Sherry | Sherry reviewed more info about what they learned about licenses following additional testing.
3 | Testing: NZ POL and Ledger |
| Team | Sherry created a test ledger in the NZ Sandbox and activated Adding an allocated fund and activated and gave it 5,000. Order Royal Society of Chemistry Package Gold
Looked up the gold package and could see the order record
In the IZ, Tamara could see the license but not the NZ POL attached. Tamara tried attaching an existing IZ POL to NZ inventory and seemed unable to do that. It looks like it did work if the POL had NZ inventory already attached but not if there was no inventory. |
| @Gem Stone-Logan Create tickets with Ex Libris asking about linking existing IZ POL to NZ inventory and ability for IZ to see NZ POL. |
4 | Wrap-up | Extra July 18 Meetings |
| Gem | Not a lot of times when we’re all available. Going to reserve all available times now and send out meeting invites to reserve the time on calendars. We figure out specifics as we get closer to that week. |
5 | Parking Lot / Overflow |
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