2022-06-15 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes

2022-06-15 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes


  • @Gem Stone-Logan , facilitator

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Erika Quintana

  • @Tamara Pilko

  • @Sherry Lochhaas

  • @Maria Figueroa

  • @Caitlin Nelson , project champion

Not attending:

  • @Angelica Felix

  • @Lisa Mackinder

Meeting Recording List


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Facilitator intro

Set expectations for the outcomes of this meeting



What do we want to talk about?


POL refresher from yesterday

Summarize what we learned in testing yesterday



New testing result:

If IZ POL is attached to anything locally, can then change it

and attach to the NZ inventory. So, the work around is to attach the IZ POL to something and then immediately change it to the NZ inventory.

Complications for existing POLs:

Possibly need to reopen a closed POL.

Having to change POL type (might not be possible in all cases)

Having to pick local content to link to. (Could create a temp collections specifically for this. May need a couple depending on type.)


For analytics

Ease of searching in Alma

Troubleshooting - a big case and related, hopefully reduce tickets to CDL.

Long-term consistency

What happens if CDL makes a change:

Campuses need to reattach to the new collection.

Maybe Analytics could provide alerts.


@Gem Stone-Logan Modify ticket to Ex Libris to ask about more streamlined way to add NZ inventory to existing POL.

Schedule/Milestone discussion

Look at charge and start mapping out schedule/milestones



Needs assessment (campus perspective) first?

  • Do we need to do anything for fiscal year 2022/23 start?

    • No expectation that we would be changing recharge process immediately.

    • CDL consideration of own ledger and fund structure can be lower and doesn't have the same implications of troubleshooting for the campuses.

  • Does ledger/fund structure facilitate CDL’s payment to vendors?

  • Licensing - don’t have to use negotiation details to share but do need to decide on license and vendor codes and then turn on the job (might be easier to do)

    • Naming convention

  • Codifying the e-inventory - how to setup a notification process of renewals so campuses can start practicing.

Work required to address needs assessment

  • In scope of jobs already assigned? (investigate)

  • Think outside the box to

  • Recommendation needs to be actionable enough to pass along such as part time helper focused on x or additional training needed for y

Schedule targets from charge

  • Needs assessment - done by end of June.

    • Very high overview

  • Conduct success review - done by end of July


@Caitlin Nelson Get more details about the additional funding that’s available.

Wrap-Up & Homework




FYI: Caitlin is incoming co-chair for ACAG

Discuss plan for next week:

  • June 21 (Tuesday) at 12:30: Testing Session

    • Testing moving - conditions of POL moving

      • Think about situations where we have a new collection every year.

    • Talk about license and vendor codes if Lisa M is available

    • Think about reporting codes some more (so campuses know what they can use locally)

    • Look at what other consortia are doing

    • Overview conversation Tamara, Lisa M, and Michelle had with Ex Libris

  • June 22 (Wednesday) at 10:00 : Regular Meeting

    • CDL Acq Worflow Discussion continued





Parking Lot / Overflow




Reschedule: CDL Acq Worflow Discussion continued (June 22)

Schedule for:

  • Decision about vendor code

  • Decision about Licenses

  • UCSD Financial integration (should we invite a guest from UCSD? If so, who?)




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