2022-07-27 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes

2022-07-27 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes


  • @Sherry Lochhaas

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Erika Quintana

  • @Maria Figueroa

  • @Angelica Felix

Not attending:

  • @Caitlin Nelson , project champion

  • @Tamara Pilko

  • @Lisa Mackinder

  • @Gem Stone-Logan , facilitator

Meeting Recording List


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Facilitator intro






Feedback from Lisa Spagnolo’s funds & ledgers testing video




  • External ID field in each fund could be used for the chartstring for each campus – possibly how Alma can connect to Oracle

  • Is there a max number of funds you can use on a single order?

    • Lisa S. - not seeing in documentation, assuming can use until funds used reaches 100% of total price.

  • CDL might need multiple funds for various chartstrings

    • If a distinct chartstring is needed, recommending creating an allocated fund to represent that.

  • Comparing the Intake ledger to the Coinvest (expend) ledger to balance out at the end of the year - how would this be done exactly?

    • Look into how we’d run reports on each ledger (Analytics)? Adjust allocations to funds, etc.

    • How to create reports for campuses detailing what was spent & how much is left - data coming from two different ledgers

  • What information from orders/invoices can campuses see? None?

    • Where would we store some of this information in a way campuses can see? What note fields are best suited for this information?

    • Would have to make reporting in Analytics to show campuses. Create Analytics reports on monthly basis – or a dashboard? A way to pull the information in a way that we can show it to campuses

  • Familiarity is needed for POLs, Invoices, etc to be able to recreate some of these Analytics reports while we create funds & ledgers. If we move data around, how does that impact the reports?

  • Hard to test on Sandbox which is not tied to Analytics. (& Sandbox refresh on Aug 14th!)

    • Can we test funds & ledgers on production? Can they be deleted?

      • Deactivate button but no delete

      • Draft mode –

        • Can’t use allocated funds in draft mode in POLs (i.e., and cannot add allocation - must be active to use in POL).

        • Looks like you can run analytics on active/draft/inactive funds & ledgers (Fund Ledger Status)

        • Can we delete funds/ledgers that are still in draft mode?

          • Can delete draft ledgers (not active ledgers). Can we delete funds in a draft ledger? Yes, but cannot add allocations in draft mode (i.e., cannot build out a ledger/funds with allocations completely in draft mode).

      • Worth asking ExL what can be done here?

        • Article about how you can delete active funds & ledgers in Alma with transactions but you have to ask ExL to do this for you (SEE article)

  • A POL could have funds from two ledgers (Coinvest expend + CDL expend ledgers) - you get notified if using mutli ledgers

  • Labs & CSU was represented in Intake ledger + Coinvest Expend ledger in mock-up. Livermore would be treated separately (CSU as well?) - Needs clarification. Possibility of only including Berkeley lab in intake and expend, but Livermore and CSU only in expend.

  • Who else at CDL or SD is involved with CDL Acq work that we might want to consult with to discuss funds/ledgers set up? any business office / financial folks at SD?

Next week’s meetings (Aug 2-3) – meet as subgroups to continue the conversation – anyone can join these even if not officially on the subgroup

  • Vendor subgroup

    • Meet Tuesday next week, 12:30 (Aug 2)

  • Ledgers

    • Meet on Wednesday → Change meeting time to 9am-10:30 (Aug 3) to accommodate Angie joining

    • Sherry will send new calendar invite

  • Inventory

    • Sherry & Maria to meet separately


  • Lisa S will save her video file & add to our team Google Drive - DONE.

  • Lisa S will do a write up of the 3 ledger model

  • Ask Gem about investigating deleting funds/ledgers in production (if active/inactive/or draft mode) so that we can test with Analytics

    • Sherry email Gem & CC Lisa S

  • Look at P&P file & start to think about how it would map in to POLs, invoices, note fields, reporting, etc (Discuss more at ledgers meeting next week)











Parking Lot / Overflow




Come back by Labor Day with more info around the outstanding questions.

Best Practice: How long to wait for collection to show in CZ vs creating local record? Inventory subteam will look and probably send to Eres for further discussion.

Vanderbilt integrated with Oracle and did a presentation on it.

Status Report

  • What we’ve done.

  • Can any pain points be addressed immediately and, if not, what’s the plan

Upcoming Dates

July 27 - plan to meet as individual groups

August 2-3 - subgroups may meet individually

For reference: Out of Office/Vacation Schedule




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