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1 | Facilitator intro | | 5 | Gem | |
2 | Feedback on Needs Assessment | Incorporate feedback | 15 | Team | Is there any feedback from the OST groups we need to incorporate into the Needs Assessment? Campuses are concerned about perpetual access identifcation Communication Eres would like more documentation and guidance from CDL. Though CDL has also been looking for guidance from eres. Maybe we can start some initial documentation and then groups can take it from there. Communicating expectations of how things will look in the NZ and can be used by campuses Erika/Lisa S will have a little bit of time in the acq group to provide updates on our group
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3 | Funding Thoughts | Quick checkup | 15 | Team | We had said that we’d try to get answers to outstanding questions by Labor Day in order to create our funding recommendation. Outstanding Questions: Will we need to pay for programmers for custom Oracle/Alma work More info about how Ledgers/Funds work and what additional info we still know CDL talk internally about inventory support
Should we ask Caitlin to take on the question about custom Oracle/Alma work? Are we making good progress on the rest Yes, Sherry would also like to be cc’d in conversation Oracle/Alma - current state at UCSD and at CDL. How are they paying to get their implementation done?
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4 | Ledger Work | | 50 | Team | Look at Lisa S' UCD Analytics demo (email sent out Thursday) Questions: First fields are saving from year to year vs what is being overwritten? Subscription term Reporting Code Ask Ex Libris regarding every field in POL and what is saved and what isn’t saved. - Sherry will send in a ticket. Not having Analytics in the sandbox is providing to be a pretty big blocker to our testing work. Maybe see if Ex Libris would be willing to do a special exception.
Would it be useful to ask campuses how they use notes and reporting codes for year over year reporting. Don’t put anything in PO notes because if you reopen, etc, the PO disappears. Ideally Alma would be able to mimic the cost share model as much as possible. Minimize where you have to modify list of funds when paying through Oracle. Need tho POL to be as accurate as possible for the cost shares. Angie pulled info about deficient with the campuses that UCSD covers. Sherry isn’t ready to talk about yet but might be a good conversation for next week. In term of timeline, for short-term: Once funds and ledgers are setup. Could setup internal invoices that reflect accurate campus cost share which doesn’t send out to Oracle and will still grab from the allocation. So would be representing things in Alma and still paying via the current form. However, long-term will probably still require some rethinking. Somewhat similar potentially to donor budgets while waiting for them to replenish. Carry-forward might solve the problem some of the time. Curious how current deferred payments are handled (money collected from campus but vendor invoice came in too late)
Knowing what is possible from an account perspective informs what we need Alma to do. All current accounting between campus and CDL/UCSD are already done behind the scenes. Possibly this is an area that Alma can’t accommodate 100%. Tradeoff. Keep having to do the form that sends to Oracle. Then have to come back to Alma and still setup POL and invoice record. So it reduces the automation. Does allow navigating the permutations easier. Question: how does it look in Oracle when a campus can’t cover the costs? Does it allow overexpending and then cover the funds? How do they account for it in Oracle. How do things get actually paid?
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5 | Next meeting | | | | | | |
6 | Parking Lot / Overflow | | | | Come back by Labor Day with more info around the outstanding questions. Best Practice: How long to wait for collection to show in CZ vs creating local record? Inventory subteam will look and probably send to Eres for further discussion. Vanderbilt integrated with Oracle and did a presentation on it. Status Report Upcoming Dates July 27 - plan to meet as individual groups August 2-3 - subgroups may meet individually For reference: Out of Office/Vacation Schedule | | |