2022-10-12 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes

2022-10-12 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes


  • @Tamara Pilko

  • @Gem Stone-Logan , facilitator (leaving early)

  • @Maria Figueroa

  • @Sherry Lochhaas

  • @Angelica Felix

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Erika Quintana

Not attending:

  • @Lisa Mackinder

  • @Caitlin Nelson , project champion

Meeting Recording List


Desired Outcome








Desired Outcome








Facilitator intro
















Vendors Instructions for Campuses




Prior to production, create a decision page for Acq that covers this process so people can easily find it in the future.

Gem will email Acq and eres the document today as an fyi.






Additional vendors topics




Do comparison of Alma vendors vs what is in Oracle. (Angie submitted a ticket requesting the list.)


Some vendors has multiple addresses. From Vanderbilt presentation Supplier#(Oracle)/Financial System Code(Alma) and Site(Oracle)/Additional Code (Alma) are the important parts for matching up in Alma vendor record.









How do we get our tests in Production so we can try out Analytics?

Open ticket with Ex Libris. To determine exactly what gets deleted. Do we have to reconstruct everything or will it just clear out the account. How granular in the deletion. Templates, internal invoices, POL, transactions.

Would be helpful to get more information about some of the CDL fund categories that aren’t technically funds. Need more information to make sure Analytics can pull what is needed. Especially when there are multiple choices in the reporting code.









Some basic testing of what shows in campuses has been done.

What we need to do:

  • Documentation needed for how Primo displays license?

  • All functionality questions have been answered between IZ and NZ. However, possibly some documentation needed.

  • Still need some research into NZ functionality for CDL

    • Documentation on adding new licenses and amendments from scratch.

      • Naming conventions/codes

  • Campus needs to see all terms in Alma but that requires going through and explicitly sharing.

  • Cleanup question

    • What about licenses that should be amendments

      • Have issue where licenses can’t truly be deleted. Can’t relink after the fact.

      • Questions: Would it make sense to create a naming convention for licenses that are really amendments.

      • General cleanup(for CDL specifically)

        • go back and add missing licenses.

        • Go attach missing licenses to inventory

  • Questions:

    • When do we share NZ licenses? wait for them to get cleaned up or share immediately?

      • A problem if we share licenses where the terms are incorrect/unreliable.

        • It doesn’t sound like we expect there’s a lot of incorrect information.

        • Data may not be current but isn’t expected to be majorly inaccurate.

      • Do we want to do anything with the license code before sharing?

        • What is the most helpful when sorting? (Content type, renewal, etc) Example for Davis is in the License folder in Acq/Eres.

        • Would it be useful to have “CDL” in the code?

          • Does Analytics have a way to determine if a license is local vs shared. Maybe use institution??

      • Good idea to keep new licenses as negotiated licenses. Even though it currently doesn’t meet our needs there’s no downsides to using the negotiated license and possibly Ex Libris provide more options in the future for them.

License Folder in Acq/ERES

License terms display notes.





Parking Lot / Overflow




For future agenda:

  • Once we have the vendor list from Oracle then we can do vendor comparison in Alma. - Identify who is a material supplier vs different type of supplier.

  • Create instructions on creating new vendors.

  • Document when to use different types of vendors

  • Documentation on creating order records.

Best Practice: How long to wait for collection to show in CZ vs creating local record? Inventory subteam will look and probably send to Eres for further discussion.

Vanderbilt integrated with Oracle and did a presentation on it.

For reference: Out of Office/Vacation Schedule




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