SILS News on Introductory Getting to Know videos to Alma/Primo (?) (send to SILS-COHORT) too.
SILS News about how the decision-making process works: transparency with decision pages, supergroups are ready to expand if needed and remind folks that the wiki will be open
Scenario-planning sub-group for risk mitigation: Who leads?
Nothing shared externally until after Sept. 2020
Stakeholder inventory
@Adrian Petrisor
The Communication Leads will develop a plan that includes a timeline for completing their work and deliverables. Within four weeks of their launch, the Communication Leads will deliver their plan to the SILS Working Group for review and endorsement.
Communication plan
Stakeholder inventory (New + identifying stakeholders and messaging around impact of budget tightening and the value proposition for SILS. Have our boilerplate ready to say why SILS is worthwhile for various audiences.)
Communication flow diagram (see #3 below)
Online presence (priority)
FAQ including basic system info (old vs. new systems) including how CDL and RLFs will be handled in the new SILS, major campus integrations (Work with PM Leads on this; consult with ICs as needed)
Do you have a parking lot for issues to cover in the FAQ?
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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