2021-01-25 Meeting notes
@Claudia Horning (Unlicensed)
@Jolene Beiser (Unlicensed)
@Becky Escamilla (Unlicensed)
@Jerrold Shiroma (Unlicensed)
@Rachel Jaffe
@Lisa Schiff (Unlicensed)
@Kate Tasker (Unlicensed)
@Krystal Boehlert (Deactivated)
@Gabriela Montoya (Unlicensed)
@Eric Nebeker (Unlicensed)
@Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (Unlicensed)
Not attending
Recording of Meeting
Meeting Recording:
Future agenda items (See the Parking Lot row on the agenda).
Discussion items
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Welcome! | Get the meeting started; review and understand the agenda; raise questions. Record the meeting if there are no objections | 5 | Claudia | Notetaker: Rachel |
2 | Tech Services Escalation Group meeting on ETDs | Update FG members on an issue first raised within DCFG | 10 | @Lisa Schiff (Unlicensed) | Group met last week to begin discussing the issues around ETDs. Questions discussed were: How should OCLC records be created for ETDs? How should ETDs be reflected in the SILS? Is there a relationship between these two? |
3 | External resources | What is the timing for bringing in external resources. How will decision be made on which ones to propose? | 10 | Everyone | We discussed the idea of creating a decision making tree that can be used by campuses when harvesting digital collections to the SILS. We’re interested in exploring the option of enabling campuses to harvest collection-level records only vs. all items in a collection. How would this work, what would this look like, is it possible if harvesting from Calisphere/CDL Collection Registry? How would campuses communicate with CDL about what collections should go into the SILS? Jolene made a point about finding aids and linking to digital collections from finding aids. |
| Claudia & Jolene will check in with their campus reps on the SILS Special Collections group to see what kind of discussion they are having about bringing finding aids into the SILS. |
4 | Initial brainstorming on MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for “go live” |
| 10 |
| Systemwide Work brainstorming list Reviewed items we added to the MVP spreadsheet and added proposed implementation deadlines. DCFG members can continue to add items to this list. | Added a few items to MVP list for DCFG. We will continue to flesh out and add more items as the project moves along. |
5 | News from PPC (Policy & Practice Coordinators) meeting | Learn relevant news, context, decisions, etc. from PPC meeting | 5 | Claudia | Nothing to report. |
6 | Task Reports | Updates on any previously assigned tasks | 5 |
| Our question was submitted to the FAQ. |
7 | Meeting schedule | Discuss whether we should meet next week | 5 | Everyone | There was some discussion about the SILS test phase: What is the end date for the test phase? Which collection will we want to harvest during the test phase? Same as in the Vanguard or possible a collection from each campus? | Claudia will check-in later this week for any agenda items, before cancelling next week’s meeting. | Claudia will look up the end date for the test phase and share over Slack. |
8 | Parking lot |
| Everyone | Kate had posted to Slack: Can we revisit a previous discussion about the COLLECTIONS feature in Alma/Primo VE? |
9 |
| TOTAL | 50 |
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu