2021-01-12 Meeting notes

2021-01-12 Meeting notes


Jan 12, 2021, 10am-11:30am


  • Lisa Ngo, UC Berkeley

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis

  • Ellen Augustiniak, UC Irvine

  • Sharon Shafer, UC Los Angeles

  • Elizabeth Salmon, UC Merced

  • Michael Yonezawa, UC Riverside

  • Heather Smedberg, UC San Diego

  • Josephine Tan, UC San Francisco (co-chair) [Today’s Timekeeper]

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz (co-chair)

  • Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library [Today’s Notetaker]

  • Chizu Morihara, UC Santa Barbara

Not attending

Discussion items

DISCOVERY VISION: We strive to design and implement the best possible discovery and delivery experience for our end users using data-driven decision making. We envision a network zone experience that will allow users to discover library materials across UC collections without sacrificing relevant results. As such, the default search and results interface should prioritize the success of typical users while providing additional functionality for more advanced users.


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates from other SILS groups

Share relevant items

10 min



End User Naming Subgroup The name “UC Library Search” was approved by the SILS Working Group and will be discussed by CoUL at their next meeting.

PPC Discovery needs to start filling out information in:


We’ll go over the Configuration Set up documents.

Do we think that we need a special meeting with ExL to discuss Primo VE configuration before the 2/5 test load config forms deadline? Yes.




Josephine will coordinate with the PMs to set up a special Primo VE configuration meeting.


Upcoming Primo VE Training and Tasks

Inform timeline items

5 min


Heads Up of meetings Discovery members to attend:

2/22 (Mon 1-2pm) -Primo VE and CDI Q&A

3/4 (Thu 10am-noon) - Primo VE Handoff / First Look

UCS Implementation: Initial Configuration Preparations 

Primo VE Trainings and Tasks (full list)




Call for RLF “subgroup” members

Recruit a few members

10 min


Interested members:

  • Sharon

  • Lisa

  • Heather (standing by if needed)

Timeline for RLF decisions are still TBD. Reply from Liz Miraglia (RMFG co-chair):

“The existing page has to be tested/worked on by all of our FGs during test load so we'll likely have some kind of shared subgroup with reps from each FG, depending on how PPC decides to approach the workflow testing.”

RMFG and Fulfillment FG will keep us posted when they would like our feedback.

Relevant RMFG and Fulfillment Decision Pages :



Primo VE Training Workshop

Determine what is best date to request ExL offer this

10 min


Currently scheduled for June 14th. Is this too late? How far ahead of GoLive would be best? Is 2nd week of May better?

Sample topics covered in a Primo VE training workshop

Could we have multiple trainings focused on the public-facing issues vs. configuration issues (or otherwise split up) for our different audiences?

An earlier date would help us have more time to get the training out to all the front line staff members well in advance of go-live.

Josephine will take our recommendation back to the Internal Training group.


Search Profiles Check-in

Comments, questions, and feedback

15 min


Jan 15th collect all feedback from local groups so we can start decision-making on Jan 19th

Informed (I) of our RACI on our Search Profiles Decision:

  • Digital Collections

  • Public Services Escalation Group

  • End Users Outreach Subgroup: to help them understand what will be surfaced in search profile




Open Access

Discuss NZ vs. CDI

15 min


The Public Services Escalation Group is seeking input on how OA items are handled and displayed. How are they cataloged (or not)? How are they displayed? Are we ok with using the OA collections within the CDI or not? What types of OA items and collections are we talking about? What is the ROI for different options?

Existing Primo/Alma campuses' experiences with OA collections in the CDI are mixed.


Josephine will create a document where our group members can share their thoughts on and experiences with OA content in Alma/Primo.



Prepares team for next meeting







Parking Lot/Q&A

Save these issues for future discussion & comments







Note from @Sharon Shafer (Unlicensed) regarding agenda item 1. UCLA Library ingested the Film and Television Library catalog records during the Alma data harvest and there was concern about the unique needs of item display and search for the film and television records. UCLA Discovery Functional Group started a document to examine the MARC fields and their function. UCLA Primo VE Default Display Fields Should we share this with RMFG?


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu