2021-04-13 Meeting notes

2021-04-13 Meeting notes


Apr 13, 2021, 10am-11:30am


  • Lisa Ngo, UC Berkeley

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis

  • Ellen Augustiniak, UC Irvine

  • Elizabeth Salmon, UC Merced

  • Sharon Shafer, UC Los Angeles [Today’s Notetaker]

  • Michael Yonezawa, UC Riverside

  • Heather Smedberg, UC San Diego

  • Josephine Tan, UC San Francisco (co-chair) [Today’s Timekeeper]

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz (co-chair)

  • Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library

  • Chizu Morihara, UC Santa Barbara

Not attending

Discussion items

DISCOVERY VISION: We strive to design and implement the best possible discovery and delivery experience for our end users using data-driven decision making. We envision a network zone experience that will allow users to discover library materials across UC collections without sacrificing relevant results. As such, the default search and results interface should prioritize the success of typical users while providing additional functionality for more advanced users.


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates from other SILS groups

Share relevant items

10 min




Internal Training Subgroup: Fill out the Primo VE Workshop questions sheet in preparation for May workshop. (Focus on UC DFG authors for this sheet)

PPC: Three decisions approved

(Go-live) Local 856 bibliographic data Key takeaways: schedule for 856 removal post-migration, finding aids and other 856 42s as portfolios is a local decision for migration
(Go-live) Preparation of Campus SCP Data Key takeaways: really the same as test load, do what you can to leave as much SCP data out of the NZ (and in some cases entire migration) as possible
(Go-live) MARCIVE Bibliographic Records in the NZ and campus data preparation Key takeaways: UCSD will stop processing MARCIVE after April 2021, May/June will be loaded after go-live

PPC/FG decisions that impact EUOS - keep these questions in mind

Governance Model: Fully representational vs. representative governance is being discussed. Expect more finalized model next month




RLF Records

Next steps on handling RLF records

20 min


Jess & Josephine met with RLF Supergroup on 4/12. Discussions finalized to create draft decision page combining RMFG and Fulfillment decision pages:

(Go-live) RLF Bibliographic, holdings, and item records in campus IZs

This model is paying per bib record. We want to minimize phantom bibs.

More questions about analytics need to be answered. Perhaps in a process after go-live.

Q: Decision to suppress local holding: what problem are they trying to address?

A: Enduser or fulfillment issue. They don’t want folks to find local records for NRLF materials and not see a way to access them. They will not see the request for interlibrary loan link. Special collections materials are different because their request process is different (AEON request is being looked at and how they look for local RLF records as long as the terms of use are correct)


Liz and Heather discussed analyzing serial records.


It is not in UC DFG’s hands to solve the analytics/RLF issue.


Share Discovery FG’s feedback to Suppressing local holdings for RLF records as a rough draft with the hope of obtaining clear questions

Get more information on the terms of use for special collections materials being request via AEON

@Ellen Augustiniak share questions about the suppressing local holdings to @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed) so she can share them with other groups



Vote on decision

20 min


Josephine comments:Positive, Color familiar, Branding included, Slightly different shape and size

‘Get it at UC’ is winning


@Josephine Tan (Unlicensed) Ask graphic designer produce

  • ‘Get it at UC’

  • All shades of yellow and gold

  • More distinction between ‘Get it at’ and ‘UC’

  • Option D in Gold column Gold Block column- perhaps use the tails on the tag

  • Bridge to EOUS team by giving them round two of the options for decision






Discuss EasyActive vs. Fully Flexible

25 min


The PM’s have created a draft decision page for (Go Live) CDI: Use FullyFlexible or EasyActive activation model. Final decision will be made by PPC. PSELG has offered their help for anything related to CDI and patron services experience.

PPC has asked DFG to articulate our end user concerns: Discovery’s Concerns re: CDI document

Basecamp ticket - How to make CDI collections in test not searchable. A: You can not in the EZ active model make a collection not searchable. You can hide them via dropdown box.

Background information about the scope of content being searched would be helpful to share with public services staff.

We need detailed functionality testing and documentation

Small campus. Turning things on is easier than turning things off. However, There is no turning things off.

Jess’s functionality testing to compare search log results comparing fullyflexible and EasyActive results ranking is very useful




@Josephine Tan (Unlicensed) When does PPC and public services escalation group want the document articulating our end user concerns. Friday is PPC.


@Jess Waggoner Consider adding some background information about the scope of collections being searched (and perhaps point out your your data/experimentation?)

@Ellen Augustiniak examine Irvine Primo search logs to estimate how often known-item searches are implemented




Check Ins

Discuss updates/problems/testing

15 min


Opportunity to check in on local implementation:

  • WorldCat

  • Boosting

  • Other




Next Meeting

Prep for next meeting







Parking Lot/Q&A

Save these issues for future discussion & comments



  • FRBR

  • Boosting

  • Main Menu (pull up config workbooks)

  • Facets

  • Libguides

  • Testing plan

  • Delivery and Fulfillment

  • Minimum Viable Product

  • WorldCat

  • Ebook ILL lending as it relates to discovery and limiting to availability.

  • UC-eLinks (re)naming

  • What will help links be called and where will they be in the interface?


  • SFX Journal Search Tool (moved notes to UC eLinks section)

  • Third party integrations

    • Browzine & LibKey

  • Ebook ILL lending: problematic with Melvyl; keep in mind to test in Test phase



The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu