2020-06-30 Meeting notes

2020-06-30 Meeting notes


Jun 30, 2020, 10am-11:30am


  • Lisa Ngo, UC Berkeley [Today’s Notetaker]

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis

  • Ellen Augustiniak, UC Irvine

  • Sharon Shafer, UCLA

  • Elizabeth Salmon, UC Merced

  • Michael Yonezawa, UC Riverside

  • Heather Smedberg, UC San Diego

  • Josephine Tan, UC San Francisco (co-chair) [Today’s Timekeeper]

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz (co-chair)

  • Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library

  • Chizu Morihara, UC Santa Barbara

Not attending

Discussion items

DISCOVERY VISION: We strive to design and implement the best possible discovery and delivery experience for our end users using data-driven decision making. We envision a network zone experience that will allow users to discover library materials across UC collections without sacrificing relevant results. As such, the default search and results interface should prioritize the success of typical users while providing additional functionality for more advanced users.


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates from other SILS groups

Share relevant items

5 min


SILS guiding principles document has been revised and will be released.

Timeline has been updated.

New groups formed to examine CDL eresources data to go into NZ and to negotiate with Innovative.

Discovery group will be charged with making decisions about Primo branding.




Tracking our Primo VE Sandbox Changes

Indicate where to track our changes to Sandbox

5 min


Our question to ExL:

“Will changes we make now to the Sandbox now be pushed into the Vanguard instances? Or do we start fresh when test load arrives?”

ExL Answer:

“There is no connection between your sandbox and your production Alma environment during implementation. Therefore, configurations done in your sandbox won't be pushed into your production instances. During full project, configurations done during test load prior to cutover will be retained. “

Re: workflows, after go-live there will be a sandbox and a separate production site. On the production site you can also test views before pushing to production. Note that there is no version control but you can revert back to default system settings.

Local campuses have the same login for sandboxes so we should share our “Changes Made in Primo VE Sandbox (pre-Vanguard)” document with local discovery groups; this will allow us to track changes made to configuration. New Primo users may need guidelines on what changes cascade to all views and what changes only affect local views.

Discussion of what kinds of configurations may be useful for all campuses and how to communicate those recommendations.

Track any Primo VE Sandbox changes on sheet titled Our Changes Made in Primo VE Sandbox (pre-Vanguard) in Google Drive



Training and Certification Schedule

Determine if anyone needs Alma Training/Certification

{We need a minimum of 2-3 people in our group Alma certified}

10 min


Training & Outreach Coordinators have put together an Alma training schedule in coordination with ExL:

  • Orientation and Navigation & Searching (1 module) - July 1-8, Q&A on 7/13

  • User Management (1 module) - July 1-8, Q&A on 7/13

  • Fulfillment (1 module) - July 8-15, Q&A on 7/20

  • Resource Management (3 modules) - July 15-Aug 5, Q&As on 7/27, 8/3, and 8/10

  • Electronic Resources (1 module) - Aug 5-12, Q&A on 8/17

  • Acquisitions (1 module) - Aug 12-19, Q&A on 8/24

  • Course Reserves and Booking Requests (1 module) - Aug 19-26, Q&A on 8/31

A similar schedule for Primo VE is in development with ExL

ExL strongly suggests 2-3 people in each group to be Alma certified, but it’s not absolutely necessary. Jared is certified; Sharon is working towards certification. Those interested in the trainings should contact Josephine.

Dates have not been determined for Primo-VE trainings and tasks.




How to track other SILS groups we’ll be working with

Show how to put “discovery” labels on pertinent Decision Pages of other groups

10 min


Label relevant Decision Pages with a “discovery” tag to be easily searchable in Confluence

Josephine will be labeling decisions with “discovery” in the “C” (consultants) category so they are searchable by label. You may also find it helpful to share these decisions labeled “discovery” with our local groups.




Discovery Network Scope and Consortia Union View Summary document

Review & Finalize

20 min


The Discovery Network Scope and Consortia Union View Summary document will be used to facilitate conversations with local Discovery groups.

The document is ready to share with local groups for discussion. Will check-in in 3 weeks (July 21) for feedback from campuses.

The search continues for any consortia that use a consortia union view.


All: Share with your local implementation group the Discovery Network Scope and Consortia Union View Summary to facilitate conversations.

The document is ready to share with local groups for discussion. Will check-in in 3 weeks (July 21) for feedback from campuses.


Discovery Decision Page components discussion


30 min


For campuses that are already using Primo: concerns about users (mostly power users) who already have accounts and data in the system; can we help them migrate that information to the new system? Josephine will bring to End User Outreach group.

Determine what kind of data we have available for future discussion of Primo branding and Melvyl. Local groups can also discuss what kind of data we should gather. One possible data point: course management system links to Melvyl. Decisions deadlines for branding and Melvyl expected by August 31 (before Vanguard campuses receive test load in early Sept.)





Prepares team for next meeting





All: [by July 21st] Gather feedback from your local implementation group for the Discovery Network Scope and Consortia Union View Summary.
All: Look for data helpful to track your campus' MELVYL use
All: Review the MELVYL discussions by other groups - Determine plan for MELVYL {disregard Due date} and Related SILS Services
All: Continue with self-paced Primo VE training

Parking Lot/Q&A

Save these issues for future discussion & comments






The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu