2023-07-14 Meeting notes

2023-07-14 Meeting notes


  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz

  • Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library;

  • Sean Claudio, UC Irvine 

  • Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair 

  • Zach Silveira, UC San Francisco

  • Joe Ameen, UC Merced;

  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis


Not Present

  • Joshua Gomez, UCLA, UX Subgroup

  • Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles

  • Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara

  • Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego

Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1HHdEBRm0_L3LJICWgH_X-nSIG-jReKkR


Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Sharing and Updates

Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups

UCB: Inclusive UX research project. Finalizing questions for UX for IRB.




Meeting Time

Keep current schedule or change

  • Does bi-weekly still feel like a good amount?

  • Do we want to keep the current day/time?

  • Would it be useful to schedule some of our meetings to be testing meetings? (does this depend on what we’re working on?)

Bi-weekly still feels fine.

Day and time is fine.




Charge and Charter

Determine if this is still accurate or needs to be updated.


Charge appears accurate for now.

Gem, as chair, will be in charge of notes. All members can update the notes freely.

Gem will meet with the UX subgroup to determine how to fit it into the main group going forward.

Gem will update the notetaking bit of the charter, and how to resolve disagreements. (20 min in)



Vice Chair

Determine how we want to select next vice chair.



Gem will talk to the three people that indicated interest. Then, if necessary, an asynchronous vote. (Before next meeting)


Steering Committee

Determine if we want a formal steering committee.


Get the vice chair, follow up discussion on a steering committee.



What do we want to work on this year?



Tentative idea:

  • Select top 4 items Discovery is interested in

    • Allows about 2 months for each item. Hopefully enough time for discussion, testing, ExL tickets, and consultations with other groups.

    • Allows flexibility when other groups need to consult with us.

  • Present our plan to other OSTs (possibly at all-chairs?) and invite feedback, particularly where we’re likely going to need to involve multiple groups.

Consider documenting, very clearly, how we would like a consortia network zone to ideally function for our consortia.

Tentative idea sounds good.
Presenting the ideas to the other OSTs is also a good idea. It lets them know whats on the burner and how it might fit into their own plans.

Next meeting: Review the workplan, see if anything is missing, discuss and add missing items, and the meeting after that we’ll choose the 4 items we want to work on this year.


Tentative: UCLA Software Project Discussion


From Slack
”We are about to replace our invoicing system (Alma invoicing cannot provide what we need for services from special collections and SRLF) and will likely need to rebuild the library payments UI that connects to it (both systems are old in-house software). Given the problems with Primo’s display of multi campus loans, I am considering expanding the scope of the project to be a kind of patron account portal/dashboard that could display data from multiple sources: regular loans, ILL, fees, reserves?, etc.”


OT: Would like Discovery to talk about this further and create a proposal.

After Discovery discusses, also ask at the consortial alma advocacy level.


Next Steps




Group to review work plan.

Will add the UCLA Software Project to agenda for future discussion.


Pre/Post meeting Discussion comments and thoughts

  • Review the possibility of leveraging Idea Exchange and enhancement points to get stuff we want to be developed… developed.



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