2023-10-06 Meeting notes

2023-10-06 Meeting notes


  • Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library;

  • Sean Claudio, UC Irvine 

  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley

  • Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair 

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz

  • Zach Silveira, UC San Francisco

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis

  • Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara

  • Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego

  • Joe Ameen, UC Merced


Not Present

  • Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles

  • Joshua Gomez, UCLA, UX Subgroup

Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1HHdEBRm0_L3LJICWgH_X-nSIG-jReKkR


Est Time

Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Est Time

Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Sharing and Updates


Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups


  • One big topic is the gender recognition and lived name compliance for Alma.

  • Reviewing OT beeves (system admin, etc)

  • Landscape of ongoing SILS townhalls (LG will be doing a governance and OT will be doing mid-year state of the year townhall)


  • Round robin with chairs giving report for each team - how is morale, admin issues, etc

  • Reported this group seems to work well together.

RM: Do you feel it would be useful Discovery reps to have an NZ Alma account?

  • User counts (We have an existing report that can be sent out for this.)

Accessibility concerns: Talking to CDL usability at the moment, will likely meet soon to figure out next steps.




Slack/General Questions



Local resource type for Video Games: Any objections to adding this to production?

Will move the video game resource type to production.



Quick Topics


Propose new segment for Discovery meetings for quicker topics


  • General survey questions such as how you handle brief result availability label

  • Topic determined ahead of time so people can talk to staff at their campuses if needed

  • Limit to 10 minutes. If it turns out to be a longer discussion, we can put it in our workplan

  • Create a Topics category on Confluence and a page per topic to document our discussion (easier to find later than if it’s in notes)

    • Question: What would the maintenance be?

      • We can make it very clear on the page that it is a snapshot in time.

Next time we’ll talk about

  • talk about brief result availability label (calculated availability).



Exclude eBooks from CDI Results


Start discussion on topic and determine next steps.

  • For this setting, what does Ex Libris consider an eBook? Is it actually an ebook or anything that’s a monograph? (Per Ex Libris ticket 06904256, “Primo VE uses the CDI record’s metadata (rtype) to set the resource type”)

    • What makes this up?

    • Answer is a little vague, we may need to test this specifically.

    • Jesse found ExL documentation about CDI resource types and noted, “You can find the rtype of a record using &showPnx=true at the end of the url or the little showpnx bookmarklet thing.”

  • Review which campuses are still hearing issues around duplication (Gem was suppose to have asked this question in Slack ahead of time and forgot)

    • UCSC - usability testing was pre-sils and there were more duplicates than post-live. Faculty in particularly didn’t like it. Now, not sure how frequently they’re seeing duplicates but know it’s still happening.

    • UCD - was initially getting a lot of tickets but fewer now but can’t say for sure why

    • Are we getting fewer tickets just because people are tired of reporting them.

  • Current status: does everyone have this turned off?

    • UCI does have this on right now.

    • UCR also has this on but only for the UC Riverside search scope (not their default scope)

  • Who are our Stakeholders?

    • Discovery

    • CDL Shared Collections (including SCP)

    • e-Resources

    • Are ETD considered ebooks? (If so, Resource Management due to this policy) - RM will definitely want to know what we decide

    • OT at least be informed

    • Resource Sharing (because of ILL implications)

  • Is everything in this document still accurate? Exclude eBooks from CDI Results decision page from previous discussions.




Next Steps







Parking Lot



Next Primo VE release meeting: November 17

Worldcat Links (tentatively talk about this TBD)

Potential discussions for later:

  • talk about brief result availability label (calculated availability).

  • What next steps to encourage patrons to do when they don’t find what they’re looking for.





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