2024-01-12 Meeting notes
Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library
Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz
Zach Silveira, UC San Francisco
Jared Campbell, UC Davis
Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego
Joe Ameen, UC Merced
Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles
Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley
Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara
Sean Claudio, UC Irvine
Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside
Not Present
Joshua Gomez, UCLA, UX Subgroup
Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1HHdEBRm0_L3LJICWgH_X-nSIG-jReKkR
Item | Est Time | Desired Outcome | Notes | Decisions / Discussion | Actions | |
1 | Sharing and Updates | 15 | Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups | LG:
Accessibility update:
2 | Slack/General Questions | 5 |
| Has anyone seen a Primo VE 2024 roadmap? (The Alma one is out.) - No, doesn’t seem to be available. Has anyone figured out what the 86 different Calculated Availability Text labels do? When they show up? What affects their appearance? (UCR, ExL support case # 07006689)
UCSD got a question about changing the number and sorting of genre results that show up in the filter. - This filter seems to behave differently than some of the other filters though every filter is a little quirky compared to the others. |
3 | 10 | Do we have any feedback? |
| UCR: We agree with the recommendations and reasoning. Switching to Tipasa now, when it cannot match the current VDX functionality, would negatively affect the user experience. We don't want a replacement product that does not meet the functionality of the product being replaced.
Discovery has reviewed and has no concerns. | Gem will let RS know. | |
4 | Primo 2024 Enhancements | 15 | Determine if there’s any we need to submit | If we want to submit anything, it needs to be done by end of day today. If your institution does not have an ELUNA membership, you can request SILS Op Center submits an enhancement request for you. Enhancements to discuss: # 8749 Primo VE: Change dynamic preferred record selection # 8970 Primo: Consolidate My Library Card display of loans/requests from all institutions in the network (is this just Primo or Primo VE also?) Timeline: January 13 - deadline to submit new enhancement March 3 - Primo enhancement team finishes reviewing submissions March 4-29 - Voting Round June 10-21 - 2nd Voting Round, if needed |
5 | 5 | Any follow-up questions? | Big concerns about integration with Primo. Currently a little kludgy.
What problem is trying to be solved?
| UCR: Why are they investigating a solution that, according to Key Finding 4, users didn't prefer? Users preferred reading academic ebooks on browsers. Palace is a mobile app with no plans to have a browser interface. It also hasn't been used by a consortium and hasn't developed integrations with Alma/Primo.
| Gem will email: Ask if they have any user research feedback that might be applicable to us for Discovery. Keeping track of NYU project to forward information on how that’s going. | |
6 | SILS Townhall |
| Gem will post thoughts in the Slack channel |
7 | Testing Update | 5 | Decide if we’ll talk about testing on January 26. | UCSC will provide a summary of implemented changes (10 min) |
8 | Workplan Discussion |
| What do we want to work on next? | (If time allows.) |
9 | Next Meeting | 5 |
| Next meeting is January 26. |
10 | Parking Lot |
| Report on feature testing: January 26 Keep an eye out for the feature release presentation. Next Primo VE release meeting: February 23. |
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