2024-04-19 Meeting notes

2024-04-19 Meeting notes




  • Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library

  • Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego

  • Joe Ameen, UC Merced

  • Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside

  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz

  • Zach Silveira, UC San Francisco



  • Sean Claudio, UC Irvine 

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis

  • Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles

  • Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara

Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1HHdEBRm0_L3LJICWgH_X-nSIG-jReKkR


Est Time

Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Est Time

Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Sharing and Updates


Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups


  • Next meeting will discuss draft charge for the SILS Patron Privacy and Data Security Team (PPDS)

  • Received updates from RN, AASA, and name user project teams

  • Interest in getting a more varied set of people on the various teams


  • Discussed Ex Libris Support meeting agenda

  • Briefly discussed Ex Libris data security

  • Talked about creating a list of bugs that Ex Libris has told us they won’t fix

    • Ex Libris said they can give us a list of our tickets that were closed due to bugs that won’t be fixed

  • Looking for a vice-chair

  • Voted for the consortia level to not vote in ELUNA steering committee elections (unless a campus has proactively requests it)

  • Voted to always skip round 1 of Alma NERS voting

  • For individual products, if a campus is interested they can request SILS Op Center vote on their behalf (this is in the case of something like Rialto where we don’t have it at the consortium level but the campus may not have an individual ELUNA membership)

  • Cleaned up the work plan


  • Group updates including

    • RM is continuing to edit specs for ETD records and work on expanded access to NZ

    • SILS OT Steering Committee is considering what the next steps are after a project team turns in their report

    • Topical renegotiation meetings are done

  • Do RLFs need dedicated reps in SILS groups?

  • Also discussed SILS structure in general. (Gem said representative is best for Discovery due to how much variation we have between campuses and that the chair/vice-chair model works well for us.)

Accessibility update:

  • Everyone seems to be on board with the recommendation of escalating the Primo VE issues.




















Regarding RLF representation: Discovery feels we do not need formal RLF members but will reach out and let them know they're welcome to send reps to our meeting when they feel it's relevant and can also reach out to us when they experience pain points.



Slack/General Questions



UCSD: Morning! I’m fielding a request to incorporate the standard footer we use on our library public website in our UCLS instance. The footer contains some standard navigation as well as some campus required things.I started a quick landscape review, and I’m not finding many footers on UCLS (or PrimoVE) sites. A couple questions:





Admin/Membership Transition



Next Year:

  • Please let Gem know if you’re interested in being vice-chair before May 3.

    • Tentative plan is to vote for vice chair in May and steering committee member in June.




Proposed updated charter roles



Do people feel comfortable with these changes or would they like more discussion. (If discussion, lets set aside time at a future meeting.)

Gem will update the official charter in the next couple of days unless anyone expresses concerns before then.



Electronic Collection Public Note



Just an FYI: If you’re planning on Alternative wording, please let Gem know so we can test it out in the sandbox.




Exclude CDI eBooks



Worked on decision page





NERS CDI Enhancement



Ran out of time to discuss, moved conversation to Slack.




Upcoming Meetings



Future Meetings:

  • Discuss the accessibility spreadsheet results

    • If Ex Libris shared more of the actual changes they made, we wouldn’t be as surprised when our customizations are impacted.

    • UCB has someone who might be able to meet with our group to look at this more

May 24

June meeting - vote for steering committee member (?)




Parking Lot








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