2023-01-18 Meeting Notes

2023-01-18 Meeting Notes


  • Imtiaz Haq

  • Salwa Ismail

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Scott Seaborn

  • Dale Snapp

  • Gem Stone-Logan

  • Kent Wada



  1. Announcements

  2. Discuss charge

  3. Discuss recommendations

  4. Map out deliverables and plan of acton

  5. Team Charter and Member expectations

  6. Closed Meeting (executive meeting)

  7. Items for next meeting on 2/1/22



  1. Announcements - UC Presidential WG on Artificial Intelligence

  2. Discuss charge

    1. Protocols for how to handle data privacy issues: 

      1. Recommending to LG how issues get handled: one-off issues plus general recurring issues.

    2. Documents: create supporting materials for workflows and protocols above.

    3. Training for how to understand data privacy and do the above protocols: “The Team also develops a proposal for implementation for a training (series) that members of the SILS governance (Leadership Group, Operations Team, SubTeams, Groups) should receive between Jan 2022 and June 2022 to become familiar with data privacy and security issues.”

      1. Concern about doing this in the timeline - good training always takes longer than we think! 

      2. This can probably be postponed if we recommend to LG to do so.

    4. Revising and following the SILS Data Stewardship Principles.

    5. Question: What approval authority does this group have? Do we have to send everything up to LG?

      1. Get endorsement from LG on assumptions, guidelines and criteria, and once approved that’s used by this team to make decisions on use cases or other questions that come our way. (Get endorsement from LG on assumptions, guidelines, and criteria that we develop based on the Operating Principles.. Once approved, that would be used to make decisions by this PT on use cases or other questions that come our way.)

  3. Discuss recommendations

    1. Recommendation 1: The Council of University Librarians shall have overall responsibility for setting policy with respect to SILS data, with delegations of responsibility to the Direction and Oversight Committee and to the SILS Leadership Group.

    2. Recommendation 2: A SILS Data Privacy and Security Team should be formed immediately, charged initially to continue with the next phase of this Task Force’s work, and then to be convened on an as-needed basis to handle new or complex policy issues.

    3. Recommendation 3: CDL should assign the role of SILS Privacy and Security Officer to an existing staff member from the CDL Operations Center.

    4. Recommendation 4: The proposed SILS Data Stewardship Principles should be adopted as the initial operating principles with which SILS patron privacy is aligned.

  4. Map out deliverables and plan of action (“Specific deliverables” from the charge):

    1. Recommendations for operationalizing the decision-making process for privacy and security issues, to include:

      1. Criteria for when issues should be brought to the SILS Data Privacy and Security Team and the process for doing so;

      2. How the Team considers and develops recommendations, consistent with the Operating Principles in Recommendation 4;

      3. How recommendations from the Team are forwarded to the Leadership Group; and

      4. How decisions once made are implemented and communicated. 

    2. Reference templates or documents needed to implement the recommendations made in item 1 above (for example, templates for privacy notices disclosing how the Libraries use patron data or for agreements that can be used when data sharing is contemplated between individual libraries).

    3. Recommendations on training that members of the SILS governance (Leadership Group, Operations Team, SubTeams, Groups) should receive as part of their onboarding to become familiar with data privacy and security issues.

    4. Any recommendations on refining the Operating Principles in Recommendation 3.

    5. A formal report due September 30, 2022.

  5. Team Charter and Member expectation

    1. Meeting starts no later than 5 mins after the start time.

    2. We will assume the best intentions of each member, and ask clarifying questions of each other. Listen with an open mind, defer judgement, and ask clarifying questions.

    3. We honor the input and opinions of every member. We will work to make opportunities for all input, without delaying the decision-making process.

      1. E.g. If a member is not in attendance, and a decision needs to be made, they can provide input ahead of time by seeking advice from team members(s) ahead of time. Meeting materials (for meetings with decisions) can be provided at least a day ahead of time to facilitate this process.

    4. Decision-making / consensus process: 

      1. Fist of Five: a “1” blocks endorsement, anything else is endorsement with levels of disagreement or concern.

      2. Page 6 of Ongoing SILS structure, work practices, and charges

    5. Communication: Prefer email for discussions and general communication; slack only as light/easy as “I’m late” or something that does not require a response back.

  6. Closed Meeting (executive meeting)

    1. None

  7. Next meeting 2/1/22: 

    1. Map deliverables from #4 into Recommendations from #3

    2. Thinking through Principles and operating assumptions and guidelines.

      1. Then think about how to operationalize these, and make recommendations accordingly.

    3. Thinking about what kind of trainings we’ll need to do.

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