2022-02-01 Meeting Notes
Imtiaz Haq
Salwa Ismail
Scott Seaborn
Dale Snapp
Gem Stone-Logan
Kent Wada
Caitlin Nelson
Announcements/Updates, etc.
3 deliverables:
Develop guidelines, assumptions, and criteria to operationalize the recommendations
Develop a training plan and program
Develop documents, processes, and workflows based on the operating guidelines, assumptions, and criteria
Develop a plan of action to implement our three deliverables
AOB (Any Other Business)
Closed Meeting (executive meeting
Meeting Notes
1- Announcements/Updates/Rumors, etc. - none
2 - Three deliverables:
Develop guidelines, assumptions, and criteria to operationalize the recommendations
Develop a training plan and program
Develop documents, processes, and workflows based on the operating guidelines, assumptions, and criteria
Notes: is there an expectation that we develop regular (yearly) training? Many people have at least some limited access to Alma. Create a policy document that is a simpler version of IS-3, IS-12 etc. and includes key points of those policies. Discuss this in terms of learning analytics.
Our group will end at some point but hopefully we can hand our created product off that Ops team can use to administer at their campuses. Need to make sure it’s sustainable.
Final report should have a recommendation for future group or support for continued data privacy and security in a shared SILS environment
Think through the learning analytics - what is possible and what we need to be mindful of in the context of patron data privacy and security.
Is it possible to walk through how the system works for those unfamiliar or don’t have permissions.
Invite guests for fulfillment and analytics show and tell
SI - will share an article that talks about some of these learning analytics and their use in library ILS and learning analytics systems
VDX (expected to migrate to Tipasa) probably won’t fall under this because each campus has their own instance
3- Develop a plan of action to implement our three deliverables
Do we want to work as a group, create sub groups? - Everything is so interconnected it may be hard to break off into smaller groups.
Timeline would be helpful for planning purposes Draft of training by specific dates, policies, etc.
Should develop guidelines, criteria, principles (deliverable #1) before training (Feb to May)
May-August - plan training
End Oct-Nov - start training (to avoid busy start of year for both quarter/semester)
August - Nov - Develop documents, processes, and workflows
Nov- Dec - executive summary and add to it the 3 deliverable documents = final report
Our report is planned for September but that was when we expected to spin up this group in November 2021. - Everyone agreed to extend to December 2022.
ACTION: SI will contact leadership group to extend our report to December 22, 2022
How to operationalize these principles – take problems already on the table – what do we need to do? Test them on real life on the pilot cases.
Next meeting will be a show and tell, the oxt meeting should be defining the current and potential problem areas and using those as the baseline to start developing the principles and criteria.
All the ICs are getting data and privacy forms signed - they are in a Google? Recommend best practices to cdl sils privacy officer at the next meeting and document those best practices
3- AOB (Any Other Business)
4- Closed Meeting (executive meeting) - None
5- Action items
1. Next meeting will be a show and tell from fulfillment and analytics on IZ and NZ - Salwa to coordinate with guests
2. Salwa to reach out to LG to ask for Dec 2022 report deadline extension
3. Salwa to write up best practices group to review. These practices will be a recommendation for the CDL SILS privacy officer to handle privacy agreements from each campus. Group to review the practices and permanentize at the meeting after the show and tell. And then the CDL SILS privacy officer can implement them
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The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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