2022-02-15 Meeting Notes

2022-02-15 Meeting Notes


  • Salwa Ismail

  • Scott Seaborn

  • Gem Stone-Logan

  • Caitlin Nelson

Regrets: Imtiaz, Dale, Kent

Guests: Greg Ferguson (UCSD -IZ (patron records), Jackie Gosselar (UCB -IZ (Analytics)), Gem Stone-Logan (CDL- NZ (patron and analytics)

Agenda and Notes

  1. Show and Tell - Institution Zone and Network Zone - how patron side of the records, data and other features look like, what the Analytics side of data looks like (IZ and NZ). 

    1. We saw Greg Ferguson’s demo of the UCSD patron records, didn’t get to JG or GSL’s demos.

  2. Next meeting: 

    1. Invite Jackie and Gem back to demo!

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