@Catherine Busselen (UCSB)
@Marcia Barrett (UCSC)
@Claudia Conrad (CDL)
@Ryan Finnerty (UCSD)
@Rachel Jaffe (UCSC) (notetaker)
@Tricia Lampron (UCI)
@Naomi Shiraishi (UCB)
@Israel Yáñez (UCD)
@Erica Zhang (UCLA)
@Cathleen Lu (UCSF)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
| @Catherine Busselen |
2 | Announcements | Keep abreast of brief updates relating to the group or the group’s work UC SILS Community Slack | 5 min | Everyone |
| Everyone Members of the UC SILS slack workspace should also sign up for this new community space. Everyone Be prepared to discuss how EIMP-PT may want to use/engage in the new Community Slack in our next meeting. @Catherine Busselen will connect with @Israel Yáñez to bring him up to speed. |
3 | Approve/Vote on co-chair position |
| 5 min | Everyone |
| @Marcia Barrett was elected as EIMP-PT co-chair. | @Catherine Busselen will follow up with @Marcia Barrett to coordinate co-chair duties. |
4 | Finalize Team Charter | Approve the Roles section; Approve the Expectations section | 5 min (work asynchronously prior to meeting) | @Catherine Busselen | Team Charter (draft) Please, make any updates to the Expectations section by end of workday, Friday, March 24. Will use fist of five to approve or determine that further discussion is needed later in this meeting or at start of next meeting.
| Members approved the Roles section of the Charter. Members approved the Expectations sections of the Charter.
| |
5 | Survey subgroup | Get an update from the Survey subgroup and determine if timeline is feasible or needs to be adjusted | 20 min | @Rachel Jaffe @Tricia Lampron @Erica Zhang @Claudia Conrad |
| Announce survey through SILS channels and to folks on the campus contacts spreadsheet | Everyone continue to add contacts to the campus contacts spreadsheet Survey subgroup (@Erica Zhang @Claudia Conrad @Tricia Lampron @Rachel Jaffe) to draft survey announcement/email message and finalize survey Everyone Review survey and add comments before Tuesday, 4/4 Form a subgroup to analyze the survey results |
6 | Work Plan | Continue building out specific actions and estimated due dates | 5 min (work asynchronously following meeting) | @Catherine Busselen | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DrtTEuyoPdWL-da43tFllHpf5FqMH7q7bmRlsog6t6s/edit#gid=0 Work Plan due date is end of 1st quarter (April 2023) |
| @Ryan Finnerty will transfer information about mid- and long- term deliverables from wiki to work plan spreadsheet |
7 | Wrap up | Review of past action items and actions and decisions made during this meeting | 10 min | @Catherine Busselen |
| ||
8 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| Pre-mortem Finalize detailed action plan for Short-term Create detailed action plan for Midterm and Long-term Approval of Work Plan for submission to SILS Leadership (on or before April 25, 2023 meeting) Review and update of Work Plan (estimated July 11, October 10, December 12) |
9 |
| Total | 60 min |
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