@Marcia Barrett (UCSC)
@Catherine Busselen (UCSB)
@Rachel Jaffe (UCSC)
@Naomi Shiraishi (UCB) (notetaker)
@Israel Yáñez (UCD)
@Claudia Conrad (CDL)
@Ryan Finnerty (UCSD)
@Tricia Lampron (UCI)
@Cathleen Lu (UCSF)
@Erica Zhang (UCLA)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
| @Catherine Busselen |
2 | Announcements | Keep abreast of brief updates relating to the group or the group’s work | 5 min | Everyone | Quarterly check-in sent; a quick response from Caitlin received (questions) e.g. Do we have the same group? |
3 | Survey response update | See how many responses we have received to date Determine if we need to follow-up or send reminders to send out Extending survey deadline to May 23. When do we want to send out extension notice?
| 10 min | @Marcia Barrett | 17 responses Extend survey until 23rd Will send a reminder Survey analysis subgroup will have a meeting this Friday Will discuss action plans based on survey responses How to measure success? Follow up interview? Focus group? Additional invitation? Analyze feedback first
| @Marcia Barrett and @Catherine Busselen send message to extend survey until May 23rd The survey subgroup will start analyzing the results after the 24th |
4 | Review of Deliverables/Action Items https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DrtTEuyoPdWL-da43tFllHpf5FqMH7q7bmRlsog6t6s/edit?usp=sharing | Determine what decisions/actions we can make now/start on prior to completion of survey analysis | 40 min | @Marcia Barrett | Identify needs at each campus with regards to successful implementation of ethical and inclusive metadata practice for description, faceting, subject headings, controlled vocabularies, and authority records in SILS and UC Library Search (Alma and Primo). |
5 |
| Create a space for resources and training materials for UC libraries addressing DEIJA in cataloging, metadata and discovery Include ALA Core Interest Group presentation slides & recordings, ELUNA document repository slides, tier 1 journal articles, etc. Accessible for all UC staff ? |
| @Catherine Busselen and @Israel Yáñez Draft scope @Catherine Busselen put out feelers to determine if a UC-wide wiki (etc.) is in the works or desirable; how to propose, if not in the works |
6 |
| Create a list of UC reparative and inclusive cataloging local projects and practices that can be shared systemwide. Create from the survey data |
| |
7 |
| Create a means of information sharing and communication around local campus efforts |
| |
8 |
| Identify which groups are responsible for changes at local, national and/or international levels (e.g., local-level, SILS Operations Team, Operations Subteams, Leadership Group) |
| |
9 |
| Create a directory of campus personnel with description and discovery-related DEIJA expertise or responsibility (i.e. NACO, SACO, Linked Data, Language, Accessibility) |
| |
10 | Wrap up | Review of past action items and actions and decisions made during this meeting | 5 min | @Catherine Busselen | https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EIMPPT/pages/2100264979 |
11 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| Pre-mortem Create detailed action plan for Midterm and Long-term Create subgroups for recommendations, best practices, etc. Review and update of Work Plan (estimated July 11, October 10, December 12) |
12 |
| Total | 60 min |
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