@Marcia Barrett (UCSC)
@Catherine Busselen (UCSB)
@Claudia Conrad (CDL)
@Ryan Finnerty (UCSD)
@Rachel Jaffe (UCSC)
@Tricia Lampron (UCI)
@Cathleen Lu (UCSF)
@Naomi Shiraishi (UCB)
@Israel Yáñez (UCD)
@Erica Zhang (UCLA) (notetaker)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
| @Catherine Busselen |
2 | Announcements |
| 5 min | Everyone | July 11 meeting conflicts Does our group want to provide feedback on Libraries - Office of Scholarly Communication ? | Cancel July 11 meeting, team will work offline Can give OSC heads up that EIMP-PT is reviewing the descriptive practices-related sections
3 | Discussion of Survey Responses & Analysis
| Assign next steps:
| 50 min | Everyone | Survey subgroup has created a draft executive summary to go with the analysis that can be incorporated in Phase 1 report
| Tricia and Catherine and Cat to map responses to EIMP-PT deliverables Marcia to pull helpful tools data Everyone to identify questions for focus groups
| @Ryan Finnerty @Rachel Jaffe @Tricia Lampron @Cathleen Lu @Erica Zhang @Catherine Busselen @Marcia Barrett @Israel Yáñez @Claudia Conrad @Naomi Shiraishi Everyone review and provide feedback on the Analysis of Survey Data and accompanying Executive summary @Tricia Lampron @Catherine Busselen @Cathleen Lu to map responses to EIMP-PT deliverables |
4 | Wrap up | Review of past action items and actions and decisions made during this meeting | 5 min | @Catherine Busselen |
| |
5 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| Pre-mortem Create detailed action plan for Midterm and Long-term Create subgroups for recommendations, best practices, etc. Review and update of Work Plan (estimated July 11, October 10, December 12) |
6 |
| Total | 60 min |
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