@Marcia Barrett (UCSC)
@Catherine Busselen (UCSB)
@Claudia Conrad (CDL) (notetaker)
@Ryan Finnerty (UCSD)
@Rachel Jaffe (UCSC)
@Tricia Lampron (UCI)
@Naomi Shiraishi (UCB)
@Israel Yáñez (UCD)
@Erica Zhang (UCLA)
@Cathleen Lu (UCSF)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
| @Catherine Busselen |
2 | Announcements | DEIA Metadata Resources Subgroup Update UC Reparative and Inclusive Cataloging and Metadata Projects and Practices page update | 5 min | Everyone | https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/omXfHXPK Catherine began adding projects and policy links from the survey (very drafty). Included list of glossaries used at each campus.
3 | Review & revise 3rd deliverable Add deliverable to meet identified need of harmful language statement. (Tricia supplied a useful link: https://cataloginglab.org/list-of-statements-on-bias-in-library-and-archives-description/ ) | 5 min. | @Catherine Busselen |
| |
4 | Discussion Comments on Survey Analysis
| Identify missing or unclear information - what else do we need/want to know? Identify information important to exclude from a public report - is it okay as the content is now?
| 15 min. | @Marcia Barrett |
| @Marcia Barrett @Catherine Busselen @Ryan Finnerty @Cathleen Lu @Tricia Lampron @Claudia Conrad @Israel Yáñez @Naomi Shiraishi @Rachel Jaffe @Erica Zhang
5 | Discuss comments on Executive Summary (paragraph format) | Discuss creating a report & executive summary of survey analysis | 15 min. | @Marcia Barrett | Comments in the document were reviewed and changes made, comments closed as appropriate. |
6 | Discuss creation of a Report on the Survey Analysis
| Determine content & outline of the report Assign pulling together the report | 15 min. | @Marcia Barrett | Do we need to create an interim report? Ryan used ChatGPT to see what kind of outline it would recommend: https://chat.openai.com/share/34001efb-4a67-4311-80a6-564c04685d17 We don’t want to lose the data in the analysis, but do we need to make a more formal final report? Maybe include the analysis data as an appendix in the final report? Do we want to do a town hall presentation (as a more impactful alternative to an interim report)? Share the analysis document with Caitlin in the quarterly report to her? |
7 | Wrap up | Review of past action items and actions and decisions made during this meeting | 5 min | @Catherine Busselen |
| |
8 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| Pre-mortem Discussion of Survey Results Mapping to Deliverables - determine current status of each deliverable & next steps on deliverables (8/8/23) Create detailed action plan for Midterm and Long-term Create subgroups for recommendations, best practices, etc. Review and update of Work Plan (estimated July 11, October 10, December 12) |
9 |
| Total | 55 min |
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