@Marcia Barrett (UCSC)
@Catherine Busselen (UCSB) notetaker
@Ryan Finnerty (UCSD)
@Tricia Lampron (UCI)
@Cathleen Lu (UCSF)
@Latasha Means (UCM)
@Erica Zhang (UCLA)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
| |
| @Tricia Lampron |
2 | Announcements
| 5 min |
| @Tricia Lampron and @Marcia Barrett to add ELUNA DEI sessions update by C. Busselen to next agenda
3 | Inclusive Cataloging/Harmful Language Statements
| Review and approve [DRAFT] Considerations for Creating an Inclusive Language in Library Metadata Statement | 10 min | @Tricia Lampron |
| @Marcia Barrett will add specific instructions for adding form to PrimoVE Everyone, if there are additional edits to be made, please do so in the document @Tricia Lampron will make the document “live” |
4 | Place of new group within UCL governance structure | Understanding of Role of Various SILS Groups Affirm decision for new group to reside within SILS structure Discuss possibilities for where new group will reside within the SILS governance structure | 15 min | @Tricia Lampron | Review organizational chart on p. 2 of the SILS Governance Structure, SILS Operations Subteams Charge on p. 17-18 | Will propose that an operations subteam be created; we will write a charge for the team | @Tricia Lampron will add a charge template to GoogleDrive @Everyone will add what the team charge could/should be in the document |
5 | Responsibilities for Permanent Group | Discuss possible responsibilities for new group
| 10 min | @Marcia Barrett | TABLED |
| ||
6 | Name for new group | Brainstorm Name Ideas for the New Group | 5 min | @Marcia Barrett |
| Will follow operations subteam pattern |
7 | Wrap-up | Determine next steps | 5 min |
8 |
| Total | 50 min |
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