2022-04-21 Meeting notes


  • Carla Arbagey, UCR

  • Tamara Pilko, Vice Chair, UCSC

  • Kevin Balster, UCLA

  • Judy Keys, UCSD

  • Sherry Lochhaas, CDL

  • Lisa Mackinder, CDL (transition with Sherry)

  • Natalee Bell, UCSB

  • Jharina Pascual, UCI

  • Michelle Polchow, Chair, UCD

  • Katie Keyser, UCSF

  • Sarah Sheets, UCM

Not in attendance:

  • Jason Dezember, UCB


Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording (link to file in Google Drive)


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Record: Michelle


Upcoming License Terms Meeting

May - strategic planning meetings facilitated by Caitlin Nelson, SILS Product Manager






5 min


Notetaker: @Sherry Lochhaas
Time Keeper: @Paula Pascual
Actions: @Tamara Pilko




No meeting April 28th


ACQ/ERES License Terms Display-
?? -to be determined

Update group on license terms display decisions, next steps

5 min

@Tamara Pilko

Licensing Session folder - List of UCD’s terms that display in Alma (56 terms) and Primo (11 terms). Recording

Next steps: ERES and ACQ leadership will consult with CDL about what decisions need input from the group. Then schedule follow up group meeting

Tamara & Sherry are working on recommendations for the licensing terms meeting

@Tamara Pilko send out Doodle poll for License meeting to take place in next 2 weeks

930/973 Fields for e-collection name

Review feedback from RM and DISC subteams.

Use input to finalize decision page.

Example Analytics Report to show all portfolios in a collection: Community>Institutions>UC Santa Cruz>Example reports>TP List Portfolios Tool

5 min

@Tamara Pilko @Paula Pascual

Update on where SILS policy/practice will be stored/accessed


Focus our decision page on how eresouces collections are used

@Paula Pascual to use input from groups to finalize decision page.
@Michelle Polchow apply tag so page will be in “current” rollup

GOBI/973 Question

GOBI 973 share local approaches to gain insight into best practice

10 min

@Michelle Polchow
@Natalee Bell

Gobi can provide records by publisher on their FTP site. Use the import profiles to have record sets go into specific eresource collections. Lots of testing required.

Might get a group together of folks working on importing Gobi orders/portfolios to support each other



Purchasing updated content to current portfolio

Discussion to gain insight into best practice

10 min

@Michelle Polchow
@Natalee Bell

Alma Manual POL
UCSC upgrading access


@Tamara Pilko share UCSC upgrade ebook access procedure

Alma - E-Activation Workflow

UCSC example for methods to monitor workflow (in addition to using Analytics)

10 min

@Tamara Pilko

  • Can customize the status options in the Task List.

    • Ex. status “Review-CDL Resource”

    • Config > Resources > E-Activation Task Status

  • Example: Order on the CZ portfolio, Test Access, Activate, Done

  • If out of office, you can reassign tasks to a coworker to complete

  • Assign due dates & you’ll receive an email notification




Alma Analytics

Knowledge sharing, temperature taking

5 min
(as time allows)

@Michelle Polchow

The ERES Work Plan contains several items re: “Reporting/Analytics”

  • Interest in building report together?

    • Possible candidate is UCOP reports

  • Support for SILS-Analytics “support group”

Building Resources:

  • California ELUNA Regional Users Group (Slack)

  • Identify presenters to come share their processes?




Wrap Up

Review actions and decisions

5 min






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:

  • Discuss status for CDL converting campus reports using “E-Collection ID” rather than 930?
    Ex: CDL Tracking
    SCP Monthly Updates

  • Sandbox access to NZ by a couple of ERES members for campuses to facilitate understanding/testing for our deliverables

  • ERES Work Plan - Continue to gain familiarity with work plan deliverables
















The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu