2024-09-19 Meeting notes

2024-09-19 Meeting notes


  • Jharina Pascual, Chair, UCI

  • Sherry Lochhaas, CDL

  • Natalee Bell, UCSB

  • Jeremy Whitt, Vice-Chair, UCLA

  • Jason Dezember, UCB

  • Carla Arbagey, UCR

  • Sarah Sheets, UCM

  • Katie Keyser, UCSF

  • Judy Keys, UCSD

  • Tamara Pilko, UCSC

Not in attendance:

  • Michelle Polchow, UCD

Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording & Chat (link to file in Google Drive)


Desired Outcome









Desired Outcome









Record: Jharina


Share announcements



5 min

@Paula Pascual

Note taker/Actions: @Jeremy Whitt

CDL: CDL restarted email communication (CDL Shared Collections monthly updates), forwarded monthly to campuses by SCLG members about various projects underway.


Campus: No updates.


NZ Expanded Access:

  • No relevant updates as the team met only last Friday to discuss the feedback received and next steps, which includes incorporating feedback into the proposal documentation for another review process






NZ display of electronic services




@Tamara Pilko

  • Display order of NZ electronic services in Primo - several services are in alphabetical order, e.g. ProQuest Historical Newspapers is listed before Major Dailies

  • The display order of electronic services is done separately in IZ and NZ

  • Suggestion to work jointly with DISC on this.

There is ERES interest in exploring this further.

@Tamara Pilko will start working on this, perhaps identifying main pain points, developing criteria and suggestions for display order, eventually we may consult with DISC on a recommendation.




Assess older workplan items:


Work Plan: E-Resources

Update status and/or remove items that are currently marked NOT STARTED, IN PROGRESS


@Paula Pascual

https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/x/3AD7bQ - a lot have been decided, are any still being referenced, or still a problem?

CDL/Campus E-resources workflow/record structure: CDL working on setup of Acquisitions in the NZ, Unclear if harmonization or best practice will emerge. Leave on hold for now and revisit at a future discussion.

https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/x/gAH7bQ : Concerns include possibility of mixing up Tier 1 or Tier 3 content, depending on publisher’s account settings. Process can lead to spending more time cleaning up file batches than dealing with the automated upload.

ERES decided we have all of the Phase 4 outstanding items covered in our local Wiki page, or we have dealt with them.

@Tamara Pilko will see where we're at with https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/x/GgDjgw

@Carla Arbagey will revisit https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/x/B4CwhQ

@Paula Pascual will hold a future discussion on best practices and workarounds on recording CDL-managed purchase orders (e.g. recording information in IZ POLs? Campuses making local placeholder collections?).




New workplan items to be distributed:

Best Practices: Recording Perpetual Access in Alma

Best Practices: Title Platform Transfers


Offshoots of: Perpetual rights and entitlement tracking in Alma DRAFT



@Paula Pascual



@Judy Keys will work onBest Practices: Recording Perpetual Access in Alma

@Paula Pascual will work on Best Practices: Title Platform Transfers

All; review Perpetual rights and entitlement tracking in Alma DRAFT




Standing Item: ExLibris Support Tickets

(UC/ExL mtg, monthly on 3rd Friday: agenda)

Info Share

5 min

@Paula Pascual

any outstanding items from the last support meeting?

any items to add to this month’s agenda?

Reminder to use “escalate” button when needed.






Standing Item: Reviewing ExLibris updates and releases

Info Share

5 min

@Paula Pascual

Links to Sources of ExLibris Updates/Release Notes






Wrap Up + Action Items

Review action items and next steps

5 min

@Jeremy Whitt







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:























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