Santa Barbara EUOS local team page

Santa Barbara EUOS local team page

Meeting notes:

03/31/21 - Becca Greer, Hannah Rael, Michael Craig

  1. Becca's Updates from End User Outreach Subgroup (EUOS)

    1. 3rd News Release Template from EUOS - establish deadlines for editorial review by this team and Rebecca Metzger for April 19th release.

      1. Becca's recommended graphic to accompany it would be something related to the announcement of the FAQ (question mark) or the new option to pick up materials at any UC campus (book in hand)

    2. UC Library Search Training for Public Services - not a responsibility of this group, but we should begin talking about this need and how what body in the library will be responsible for conducting it.

  2. Review Communications Plan

    1. Discuss staff meeting key messages

    2. Timeline for April 19 message drafting & approval

    3. Discuss who should send the staff messages

  3. Review Checklist/Inventory of instances of Melvyl on our website and resources
    wordmark page in wiki

    1. Michael Craig to change links to have PNG files directly downloaded
      additional feedback?

  4. Discuss Zoom background with UC Library Search Wordmark

03/17/21 - Becca Greer, Hannah Rael, Paige Sundstrom

  1. Becca's Updates from End User Outreach Subgroup (EUOS)

    1. UC eLinks retiring

       > possibly "Get it @ UC" 

    2. FAQ

       Live > maybe insert this on UCSB Library's FAQ 

    3. Primo landing page

       analytics - Thanks Michael Craig

  2. Review Communications Plan 

    1. Discuss next Subject Librarian Meeting key messages

    2. Timeline for April 19 message drafting & approval

    3. Discuss who should send the staff messages

  3. Review Checklist/Inventory of instances of Melvyl on our website and resources

  4. Provide feedback on wordmark page in wiki

03/03/21 - Becca Greer, Hannah Rael, Paige Sundstrom, Michael Craig

  1. Review Communications Plan

    1. Discuss next All Staff Meeting key messages

    2. Timeline for customizing/approving March 15 message - next template is now available

  2. Wordmark update

  3. Alma/Primo Steering Committee meeting feedback

    1. Discuss how to instruct subject librarians to provide us with the questions/comments they get from faculty

    2. Discuss questions received so far on UC Library Search

    3. How do we want to collate that information?

  4. PDF distribution - issue with preview

  5. Plan for drafting 2nd News Release

02/17/21 - Becca Greer, Hannah Rael, Paige Sundstrom, Michael Craig

  1. Reviewed Communication Plan spreadsheet

    1. creating tabs for All Staff and Subject Librarian meeting updates - for now the tabs will reflect the dates of these meetings as UC Library Search is a standing agenda item

  2. PDF Template for News Releases - assigned to Michael

  3. PDF Template w/ First News Release inserted - assigned to Michael

  4. Distribute PDF of First News Release to subject librarians using lead-in text template by Friday, 02/19/21 - assigned to Paige

  5. Outstanding item - review Melvyl Checklist

02/12/21 - Becca Greer & Hannah Rael

  1. Finalizing 1st message

  2. Modifying for different distribution channels

  3. Completing February’s Communication Plan

02/09/21 - Becca Greer, Hannah Rael, Paige Sundstrom, Michael Craig

  1. Reviewed first-message draft and resolved comments/suggestions from local committee. Distributed the message to AUL for approval.

02/01/21 - Becca Greer, Hannah Rael, Paige Sundstrom. Absent - Michael Craig

  1. Finalized charge and sent to Alma/Primo Steering Group for Approval

  2. Assigned distinctive roles and responsibilities for the committee

  3. Prepared presentation to All Staff and Subject Librarians about the release of the first message to campus

01/11/21 - Becca Greer, Rebecca Metzger, Paige Sundstrom, and Hannah Rael met with SILS @ UCSB Library Working Group to discuss:

  1. Membership for a local communications team - soliciting a recommendation for a new member from the UCSB Library Search Working Group

    1. Recommendation given and chair of SILS @ UCSB Library Working Group will reach out to the individual to gauge interest and ability to join local comms team

  2. Review mechanisms for communication re significant decision points that need to be relayed to campus users and library staff.

    1. Recommended that the local comms team meet every so often with SILS @ UCSB Library Working Group to maintain continuity with messaging and decision points at the local level.


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