2021-03-19 EUOS-SC

2021-03-19 EUOS-SC


Mar 19, 2021

Zoom: Please see invitation via email


@Melanie Ramiro (Unlicensed)

@Stacy Brinkman (Unlicensed)

@Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) , PM

Not attending


Future agenda items

Discussion items


Desired Outcome

Time (in mins)




Action items


Desired Outcome

Time (in mins)




Action items


Check-in / Any new items that has come up over the week




Message #3: need content!

  • Q1: Will UC staff/faculty/students be able to pick up materials at any UC (ex. the library closest to them)? (Will pick up anywhere be turned on?)

    • A: Eventually, yes. Do not know the logistics, but that’s the goal.

  • Q2: If there is saved stuff in Melvyl right now, is it going to be deleted? With Zombie Melvyl, will it still be deleted?

    • A: needs investigation

  • Q3: What does harmonize Primo VE help pages for a UC audience mean?

    • what is meant by harmonize Primo VE help page?

    • Plan is probably to have guidelines, and local campuses can tailor for their needs

    • How to help users with Primo VE? Users will get help in the way they know best – directly know the library?



@Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) ask about zombie Melvyl search Q2
@Stacy Brinkman (Unlicensed) ask Fulfillment FG Q1 re: pick up anywhere

PM update

PM briefs team on any relevant news from the SILS world



Follow up: Question: regarding communication plan, is any oversight/additional review needed before publishing? Each campus will takeover communicating to their patrons; no need to harmonize after go-live. FYI to WG so no one is surprised.

  • Answer from SILS Steering: No further oversight/review needed before publishing.

Question for EUOS: would like to share the timeline artifact with the SILS cohort. What way would EUOS prefer? Ex. Send through Comm Leads, EUOS sends a message to cohort directly, publish in SILS News?

  • An option: add to phase 4 timeline page

    • it’s a working document, go through Comm Leads

  • This was the best projection for the timeline in Feb 2020, there may be changes. Don’t want people to think there will be no changes ever to the PDF of the timeline.


Is there a need? anything new to announce after go-live that needs to be harmonized/needs to not be re-created 10 times?

  • Post phase 4: who’s maintaining the UC Library Search site? (Does SILS governance task force have a timeline on when they’re sharing their timeline?)



@Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) take timeline sharing decision back to PMs/Comms Leads

Other updates








Next EUOS meeting

Draft agenda







Upcoming vacations/holidays

  • 3/26: Cesar Chavez Day





  • To Stacy, can you cancel the EUOS-SC meeting on 3/26?




Parking Lot




Q: Decisions about configuration: what decisions can local campuses make?

Related: PPC approved our Primo VE Search Profile Configuration decision page on 2/19.

Email or slack to Danielle.Westbrook@ucop.edu with post-phase 4 concerns (She’s the project manager for SILS Governance Task Force).

  • How will the handoff work? EUOS expects messages to be very campus specialized after go-live. Team meetings will be less frequent, expect to still check-in monthly.

April: check on Fulfillment decisions re: “pick up anywhere” as a location option






35 / 60 mins







The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu