

Working Document







What is happening to Melvyl?

The name “Melvyl” will be retired. The Worldcat Discovery search tool that the UCs currently use will also be retired.

Local campuses might want to redirect their campus Melvyl to Primo so that they don’t simply see an error page.

What is ________?


Write for the “About” page once a name for this system is finalized. Will take language from the SILS page as well as borrow ideas from other pages like CSU-ULMS or other consortia

Note: this might be front and center, and not on an FAQ page? Or maybe we do both.

What campuses are participating?

All 10 UC campuses plus the two regional storage facilities and the California Digital Library collections


What are the benefits to ________?


Summarize from value props, or link to this document

Can I search a specific set of campuses (example:  UCB, UCD, UCSC;  or UCB, UCLA, UCI)? or a specific campus only?



When will _______ be available?

_____ will go live on July 27, 2021.


Are borrowing policies changing? Check out period? Number of items checked out? Are fines being standardized?



What types of resources will be included in _____? (Books, articles, ebooks, video, images, audio, etc?)

You will be able to find books (print and online), articles, video….


Q: locally held ebooks - will these display in the network zone? Or will they display and then show up as unavailable?

Will I need to change my password to log-into the catalog if I want to save my catalog searches?



What is happening to xxx (Roger, Library Search, Oskicat, etc. [individual campus catalogs])?

Individual campus catalogs will be replaced by _____.

This question will apply only to campuses moving to Alma/Primo for the first time. For campuses already on Alma/Primo, it will be that their local catalog will now do more.

Can I get an ebook through ILL? 



Also… will this still be called “ILL” if we are borrowing from the network?

How will I order a book from another UC Library with _______?


Discovery and Fulfillment - what will this process look like to end users?

When this is finalized, we will use screen capture

How will I order an article from other UC Library with ________?


Discovery and Fulfillment - what will this process look like to end users?

When this is finalized, we will use screen capture

How do I interlibrary loan an item not owned by any UCs?  Will I be able to easily submit the request through Worldcat? 


Discovery and Fulfillment

Also… where will Worldcat be? Will we call it Worldcat?

Does this mean I will be able check out books from other UC Libraries if I go there (physically)?


Fulfillment? Patron Data?

Refer to End-user hat doc

The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu