2024-05-20 Meeting Notes
@Mark Marrow (UC Berkeley)
@Tony Navarro (UC Davis)
@Lai Arakawa (UC Irvine)
@Sandra Farfan-Gracia (UC Los Angeles) - Vice-Chair
@Ross Anastos (UC Merced) - Chair
@Sahra Klawitter (UC Riverside)
@Mogilner Chamberlin, Ingred (UC San Diego)
Member TBD (UC San Francisco)
@Lucely Chavez (UC Santa Barbara)
@Nicole Thomas (UC Santa Cruz)
@Alison Ray (CDL) (CDL)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions/notes | Actions | |
1 | General Check-In |
| 5 | All | (see notes from last time about HVAC work at various campuses) OT updates: Talked more about membership transitions. Made agreement on Alma Data Privacy to ensure all Alma users are signing privacy agreement. Up to campuses to manage. An annual reminder is sufficient. Also talked about SSO options for NZ accounts. Discussed risked, dependencies, etc. LG updates: SILS privacy and data discussion. Got brief update from renewal negotiation team. Mostly on track time-wise. Negotiations are “generally going well”. Conversations are in progress between UC and ExL. Nothing specific to report back. LG is also discussing patron privacy group (will meet quarterly), the membership decision has been given to DOC. |
2 | Review OST workplan | Use membership transition time (June/July) to review our workplan with “fresh” eyes including:
| xx | All |
Should we create an F OST Steering Committee to help filter topics to add future topics to the agenda/workplan? | Sandra and Sahra can help out on the workplan. Will push along as we get to it, perhaps have a draft completed by September to share with the OST.
3 | How are campuses handling max renewals for AFN items? | Determine if we have a unified approach. We can discuss at the meeting or perhaps start with an email poll to see what everyone is currently doing. |
| Sahra | I'm curious to know how other UCs are handling max renewals for AFN material.
| UCB - when you reach the max you need to return the item. We’re not going to call the owning library since the item is overdue. If you want to request it again you can, but you’ve reached the maximum of the renewals. UCSB - when you hit the max renewal, we want it to go back to the owning library. if the patron wants it again they can request it, we wouldn’t do it for them. UCLA - I would have to ask how it’s handled. if i had to guess, they would probably be referred to the ILL department. sometimes the patron reaches out to the lender for an exception. i don’t think we have a uniform practice. UCM - Similar to UCLA i don’t think we have a uniform practice. I’ll have to ask our ILL folks. UCI - case by case. it hasn’t happened enough. if patrons contact our ILL department then we may grant it (if another UC wants it from us), otherwise we return it. UCSD - telling people they need to request, but that might depend on user type. UCSC - we tell people to return the book and request it again if they need it longer. UCR - might be changing their stance based on being too “customer-forward”. |
4 | AFN Library Use Only | We've been having difficulty identifying RLF material that is library use only. I'm wondering if others are having similar experiences and how we can address it. |
| Sahra/Mark/Ross | 4/25/24 updates: reviewing existing book bands; development of additional RLF LUO strategies. | RLF Barcodes update: Campuses which retain local holdings for items that go to an RLF result in two barcodes and two holding records. For the campuses that do retain them, the records are suppressed so they're not discoverable but if you scan the barcode then the record will come up. The conversation about barcodes should happen with the resource management group, and the local campuses which retain those records. We can share the impact and give input/feedback on the implication for us, but it's ultimately up to RM since they would be changing their workflows. | Start google doc to record impact and implication on campuses. determining a unified process would be ideal. since these items are being sent across the system it has a potential to impact multiple campuses. Possible solutions: UCD - will black out barcode on the next batch of items being sent to RLF’s. will see how that process goes. UCI - Retains records for items sent to RLFs. Created fulfillment unit rule to not check out books using that barcode. Wouldn’t be circulated by network users eithers. [will provide screenshots to decision page?] |
5 | What is considered “damage” to an item? |
| xx |
| Task linked here. → Ross has not yet reached out to the RS OST, so perhaps this topic gets pushed into December/January? Still working on draft of decision page. | Will discuss during next meeting. Initial feedback: Photo upload option would be helpful. And sending a copy of the form to the submitter. Should items be returned with a printout of the form? Should we always use a ziplock bag to return damaged items/wet material? | 4/22/24: emailed copy of form and screenshots of flow to F OST for feedback and comments. Feedback: photo upload option & send a copy of form of submitter. to do:
6 | Modification of On Hold Shelf letter |
| xx | All | Modification of On Hold Shelf letter Still working on draft.
| 4/29/24: added Executive Summary, added screenshot example of code in email, and expanded Reasoning section. Still need edits on top table, Dependencies and Question to Consider. Please add comments or content to the document as you see fit. |
7 | Ongoing letter “maintenance” |
| All? | Is there value in doing ongoing maintenance of letters; maybe quarterly? Make sure that each campus is sending consistent messaging. Related to the text that we word-smithed in the line above. |
| 3/11 - Will leave on agenda for a few meeting cycles and revisit after decision page for On Hold Shelf letter is finalized. |
8 | Ad hoc/open discussion |
| Tony: Anyone else going to ELUNA conference next week? Ingred: Considered it, but too busy with work. | Continue (or start) thinking about if you’re interested in serving as Vice-Chair for the F OST group! |
9 | Fulfillment Work Plan | Ongoing review and update as needed. | xx | Ross | Housekeeping as needed? |
10 | Wrap up/Topics for next time |
| 5 | All | parking lot:
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