2024-06-17 Meeting Notes

2024-06-17 Meeting Notes


  • @Mark Marrow (UC Berkeley) - absent

  • @Tony Navarro (UC Davis)

  • @Lai Arakawa (UC Irvine) - absent

  • @Sandra Farfan-Gracia (UC Los Angeles) - Vice-Chair - absent

  • @Ross Anastos (UC Merced) - Chair

  • @Sahra Klawitter (UC Riverside) - absent

  • @Mogilner Chamberlin, Ingred (UC San Diego)

  • Member TBD (UC San Francisco)

  • @Lucely Chavez (UC Santa Barbara)

  • @Nicole Thomas (UC Santa Cruz) - absent

  • @Alison Ray (CDL) (CDL) - absent



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







General Check-In

  • discuss Alma release notes (if any)

  • discuss anything relevant from All-Chairs



(see notes from last time about HVAC work at various campuses)

All-Chairs: more discussions about chair/vice-chair transition.




  • Sandra will be sitting in on All-Chair meetings during the months of May and June in anticipation of changing roles.

  • Results of nominations are in:

    • Ingred got 2 nominations

    • Tony got 1 nomination

Because of Ingred’s schedule, she respectfully declined, and Tony was happy to volunteer! Ross will double check what else needs to be done, but he will also email to get consensus from the group.


Review OST workplan

Use membership transition time (June/July) to review our workplan with “fresh” eyes including:

  • Are there items on the list that should be removed?

  • Is anything missing?

  • Priority/sequence of list?



Work Plan: Fulfillment


Should we create an F OST Steering Committee to help filter topics to add future topics to the agenda/workplan?

Sandra and Sahra can help out on the workplan. Will push along as we get to it, perhaps have a draft completed by September to share with the OST.





RS/F Subteam - Building Use Only book band feedback




The RS/F subgroup developed a Building Use Only bookband and would like feedback.

Pending feedback it will go live on July 1st, with a reminder being sent to groups on June 26th.

This was shared with RS OST - everyone liked it, they gave valuable feedback and no suggested changes.




Archived Fulfillment & ILL FG Decisions




I copies the URLs from the old F/ILL FG to an “archived” decision page in our current OST confluence website. This can be used as a reference to older decisions made by that Functional Group before Go-Live.

Fulfillment & ILL Functional Group Decisions (archive)




AFN Library Use Only/RLF Barcodes

We've been having difficulty identifying RLF material that is library use only.  I'm wondering if others are having similar experiences and how we can address it.



4/25/24 updates: reviewing existing book bands; development of additional RLF LUO strategies.

RLF Barcodes update: Campuses which retain local holdings for items that go to an RLF result in two barcodes and two holding records. For the campuses that do retain them, the records are suppressed so they're not discoverable but if you scan the barcode then the record will come up.

The conversation about barcodes should happen with the resource management group, and the local campuses which retain those records.

We can share the impact and give input/feedback on the implication for us, but it's ultimately up to RM since they would be changing their workflows.

Start google doc to record impact and implication on campuses. determining a unified process would be ideal. since these items are being sent across the system it has a potential to impact multiple campuses.

Possible solutions:

Pose question to All-Chairs or directly to an OST (resource management?). See which solution in the google doc is the least painful.

Since All-Chairs is going through a transition phase right now, perhaps we wait until that settles? Or at the very least Ross could pose the problems/solutions as a primer and the group can discuss after the membership transition is complete.


Damaged AFN item form/process




Damaged Item form & process

6/14: Draft of decision page complete. Feedback from F OST before sharing with RS OST?

Should items be returned with a printout of the form?

Should we always use a ziplock bag to return damaged items/wet material?

to do:

  • get final review/comments from F OST

  • encourage use of a ziplock back for returning damaged/wet material?

  • Modify all Power Automate Flow emails to send to each campus' AFN email as per Library Fulfillment Directory.

  • Reach out to RS OST for review/comments.


Modification of On Hold Shelf letter




Modification of On Hold Shelf letter

6/14: Draft of decision page complete. Feedback from F OST before sharing with RS OST?



To do:

  • Get final review/comments from F OST.

  • Reach out to RS OST for review/comments


Ad hoc/open discussion








  • Ross will send out a temporary meeting hold for July '24 - June '25 until Sandra can finalize the meeting information.

  • Our next meeting conflicts with ALA (potentially) so we might see a lower turnout than normal.


Fulfillment Work Plan

Ongoing review and update as needed.

Work Plan: Fulfillment



Housekeeping as needed?





Wrap up/Topics for next time




parking lot:

  • Ongoing letter maintenance. Is there value in doing ongoing maintenance of letters; maybe quarterly? Make sure that each campus is sending consistent messaging. Related to the text that we word-smithed in the line above. 3/11 - Will leave on agenda for a few meeting cycles and revisit after decision page for On Hold Shelf letter is finalized.







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