Known issues with Alma/Primo VE
High level issues (not every issue)
Add a link to the official Ex Libris known issues pages for Alma and Primo VE (if they exist)
Monthly Alma updates will impact the test load environments. Here’s the release and maintenance schedule.
Issue (problem, impact) | Current workarounds | Date added | Tracking # (Salesforce, local) | Expected resolution? |
| 5/28/21
| sils-sysops ticket: ExL case number: 00960983. cc'd FFG, ILLOPS, and IC groups. | Last comment: 6/15/21 We are checking internally, if there is any possibility for temporary workaround until issue is resolved. Thank you,
| |
Comment field entries on request form currently not displaying on the lender side |
| 5/28/21
| sils-sysops ticket: ExL case number: 00960945. cc'd FFG initially, ILLOPS, and IC groups for updates | Last comment: 6/15/21 Development is working on a problem solution. Approximate fix release is October 2021. We cannot guarantee this date. In the meantime, please check the following workaround for this issue and issue in the case 00960981. Define volume field as mandatory and rename to be comments and volume information. Please remember that NA07 is locked down on the EOD on Fri June 25th. Thank you, |
Mark “Volume” fields on resource sharing form “Mandatory” to force patrons to populate the fields to prevent the error. This is not a workable long-term solution since it’s confusing for the patrons. | 5/28/21
| sils-sysops ticket: ExL Case number: 00960981. cc'd FFG, ILLOPS, and IC groups. | Last comment: 6/15/21 In the meantime, please check the following workaround for this issue and issue in the case 00960945. Define volume field as mandatory and rename to be comments and volume information. Please remember that NA07 is locked down on the EOD on Fri June 25th. Thank you, | |
Request Form Article field auto-populating with journal titles instead of remaining blank |
Cannot select specific holdings record for the requested material |
| Sent 6/3/2021 | sils-sysops ticket: ExL Case number: 00961961. cc’d Fulfillment FG listserv, Derek Sisneros, and Robin Gustafson | Last comment: 6/10/21 I'm sending this case to my colleague on Tier 2 Support for further investigation. Thanks, Le |
Problems with symbols in Primo Worldcat search profile: # . - | Remove problematic symbols (# . -) from search query in the Worldcat search profile | 6/16/2021 | Salesforce case #00963306 submitted 6/8/2021; currently in Tier 1 Analysis |
Some NZ Resources are not proxied. Resources from SFX did not come over proxied. Also, many P2E standalone portfolios are not currently proxied. |
| 8/3/2021 | Salesforce case#00926696, submitted 7/23/2021 for SFX. Completed 8/4/2021.
CDL will collect P2E portfolios into collections and then enable the proxy | DONE: Non-free NZ SFX collections should now be proxied (if you use a proxy)
P2E is in process - SCP is currently working on this. |
Some of the portfolios in the NZ Wiley Online Library Online Books collection have the wrong parser specified which returns the error "Some error occurred while retrieving services." when you try to access the resource. |
| CDL is working on compiling a list of affected portfolios and has also submitted this on 8/5/2021 to Ex Libris: ticket# 00981823 |
Examples of known issue pages:
Alma Known Issues - Library Technology Services: Staff Documentation Center - Harvard Wiki
Note: Only staff with Salesforce accounts will be able to see cases.
Issue (problem, impact) | Date fixed | Case number |
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