Report any major changes in availability / circumstances
Anything to report on the test load?
Zoom link change for March 25. Lena will be doing the recording.
Higher Ed is now eligible for vaccination. UCSD is getting staff vaccinated!
UCLA is opening one library on March 15.
ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups / PPC
Patron Data (Carlo)
ILS Data Cleanup (Tom): co-chairs visit on 3rd Thursdays. TJ Kao and/or Catherine Busselen will join on 3/18.
Review final decisions (as needed)
SILS Chairs/Coordinators meeting update & actions
Carlo, Tom
Patron data is doing QA for test load.
Testing regex for phone numbers.
If you have one name, some functions may not work (e.g., resource sharing). Already-Alma campuses have seen this issue. UCI puts a period character in the empty field.
Library card option: Greg is asking about which options can be turned on or off.
ILSDC - nothing to report. Gem and Alison are meeting with TJ and Catherine about cleanup of the NZ.
Coordinators meeting followup (see item 2): Gauge IC’s interest in “Report a problem” management in Primo VE as UC-led special meeting topic with already-Alma campuses:
Timing: soonish
Raise awareness early so campuses have time to create a “Report a problem” for their own environment.
Understand you will be getting more e-resource questions now that CDL will not be answering UC-eLinks questions.
Start simple and identify work that must be done for MVP day 1 and what can wait.
Explore how things will be different in the new environment. And, what we need to be successful.
Discuss new feature “Ask a Question in Alma” (do we want to use this feature?)
UCSC is only using this feature for staff with a SF account.
Potential next steps: If there’s interest, PMs will meet with Xiaoli to draft some questions for the meeting. (UCD has done some interesting work in this area.)
ICs are not interested at this time in a UC-led session on Report a problem.
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will let PMs, Xiaoli know that ICs are not interested at this time in a UC-led session on Report a problem.
Timeline review / PM update
Questions should be posted to Basecamp 2 weeks ahead EOD Wednesday for special meetings and EOD Monday for Thursday standard office hours.
Requesting a Zoom call with an Ex Libris consultant is fine when you need F2F to resolve a complex discussion. Reach out directly to that consultant on BC.
Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines: Basecamp To-Dos and share FYIs
Confirm deliverables have been met per contract for payment #2.
33% of the Implementation Fee is due following delivery of the full implementation test load.
Delivery of the full implementation test load consists of the following deliverables as it relates to the full implementation phase:
(i) delivery and receipt of the environment (including access address and credentials)
Includes the Alma and Primo VE instances for all campuses and NZ
They will be set up with the initial configurations provided in the forms.
Delivery is communicated via Sales Force directly to each campus.
(ii) data migration reports,
Each campus will be provided migration reports (multiple-page reports for each campus; the reports are delivered in SalesForce)
(iii) provision of test load review instructions
Campuses will use the migration reports, testing documentation available online and also attend a meeting “Special Meeting: Using Alma for Data Review” on Thursday Feb 11. ( to learn how to review their data.
Special meeting: Primo VE Handoff / First Look on Thursday March 4.
Alma instances were delivered Feb 11 except Merced which was delivered Feb 24.
Primo VE instances were delivered Feb 25 except Merced which was delivered Feb 27.
What were the issues you experienced?
UCB didn’t get preferred name again and LBL and UCB were both set up as “campuses” (campuses are above library but below institution) which was a surprise. UCB had not set it up this way in their configuration form. Jackie is working with Ex Libris to understand the best option for LBL.
UCM had major issues and they are very resource limited to respond and fix things. Tom has had to nudge ExL to get responses.
UCD Law - None of the law patrons merged as expected even after going through the earlier append process (and the loans didn’t come over either). ExL is still investigating. Past fiscal years are missing. “UCD Test is only showing the current fiscal year in Funds and Ledgers, so there is no facet to select past fiscal years. All budgets are there, including inactive budgets. In configuration, the fiscal year table only has the current year. We want to see this in test.”
UCSD didn’t have major issues - mostly asking for clarification on how things work. Greg has had to nudge to get responses.
UCLA's issues were, all things considered, fairly minor.
Subgroup A “expertise” (Tom, Carlo, Lynne, Liz M) Deliverable: Create a document by the end of Nov to be shared with ExLibris. Meeting with ExL 2/5 at noon.
Carlo, Tom, Lynne
Followup meeting on 3/22 to ensure things are on track.
Carlo suggested doing a followup with the first couple of groups to get a consultant to see if it helped.
Q: How long we can ask for a consultant to visit a meeting. Through Oct?
A: Probably through mid-October (at the latest) as we begin to prepare for the switch to Support. ExL will want to wind down issues for the Implementation team as we approach the switch.
Q: what happens if more than one group asks about the same topic?
A: That might be fine since they may have different issues with that same topic. Manage on a case-by-case basis.
Laurie Welling (ExL migration consultant) has created a Cutover Sales Force case for each campus. She will use them to track issues that need to be fixed by ExL at cutover. Laurie will confirm these things are fixed. Campuses need to do the same with fixes on their end. You should have a list of things ExL told you to fix.
HOLD UNTIL MARCH 11 (ran out of time)
Q&A (recurring)
Q&A during the IC meeting as a first stop before asking a question on Basecamp.
If it’s time-sensitive, post to slack (IC channel, SILS Chairs are good options)
Any issues that we want to seek broader input from other consortia?
Fulfillment group emailed IC list asking for testing accounts. It’s up to each IC to do this.
Greg reported some info. was missing, e.g., needed an email address, to know whether barcode will be used, and which libraries to provide access to.
Questions for Ex Libris PM (recurring)
Post questions in Basecamp as they come up. It’s open 24/7!
Note: We lose in efficiency and we may lose in translation when questions go through the PMs. When topics come up that should logically go to Basecamp to the Ex Libris consultants, invite an IC (or appropriate person) to take point on that issue.
Check about RLF meeting. When is it scheduled
Make sure what trainer is presenting works. Tom had the experience that something didn’t work on the first day; make sure you ask for trainer to demonstrate how it should work later. Make sure you get an answer! Advice: Get familiar with the Alma instance you are working with.
Gillian - Highly recommend you choose a notetaker for all of your sessions!
Seeking dates for fiscal close. How granular do you need to know? Rumors that technical freeze will be for months! (not true). Will vary by campus. What were the length of the already-Alma campuses freezes?
UCI's freeze (cat & acq) was from Jun 22 - July 16. Final Data extraction was on Jun 24.
For Davis, it looks like we had our freeze mid-late July for our August 16, 2016 go-live date. July 27-August 17, 2016 freeze
UCR cat freeze was 6/26/18-7/15/18.
Parking lot
March 24 meeting: using Lena’s zoom
Primo VE workshop (week of May 17): which environment to use for training?
Guidelines and best practices for managing accounts and roles (do we allow shared accounts? etc.) See Feb 11 & 18 IC meeting notes.
(If needed) Best practices/guidelines for APIs.
TBD: Buddy system (Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads) Timing: after spring workshops, if there’s interest
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact