Report any major changes in availability / circumstances
No changes in availability reported. Caitlin reported her availability may increase due to additional support arrangements at home. Alison Ray, Tom, & Sarah report children's school will remain closed/online through 3-June and will need to be at home regardless of any changes from UC.
Get on same page about some logistical stuff
Did everyone get a Basecamp login yet? Everyone reports successfully gaining access to Basecamp.
PMs will be using Basecamp to track progress, not action items here per se. Caitlin: the PM’s would like to use Basecamp for our home base for tracking action items. If it becomes infeasible in the future, we’ll return to Confluence or Google drive. This will minimize duplication when tracking. Caitlin: expressed a concern about using Basecamp for tracking when not all members of the extended team have access. Neil: by necessity we're probably going to need to have both action item tracking in Basecamp and outside Basecamp. Would prefer to track the 100’s of little things in Confluence. Quick poll of the IC’s indicated support for this approach.
Tom: what about docs? Neil: what Davis did was they only used Basecamp for ExL documents only and used google drive for everything else. Basecamp does not do versioning, and also goes away once the project is complete. Lynne: did something similar for Berkeley. Wanted to have access to documents after Basecamp went away. Tom: would like to keep docs and files separate. Robin: reports that Basecamp is hard to locate items. Carlo: reports that Basecamp does not support concurrent editing.
Any issue related to ExL action items or milestones will go at a high level in Basecamp; internal steps and tasks will go into Confluence.
Docs will go in Google Drive; anything that we need to communicate to ExL can live in Basecamp.
Training PM
welcome Neil!
Neil introduces himself
Internal training group will be deciding who gets what kind of training on what timeline
Neil is point person for training until we officially get a training person per campus.
Talk about the training, why we do it, what’s important
Tracking / PMing structure
Assignments / “marking done”
Final due date: April 24th
Neil: the training team will be up and running starting 24-Apr
Neil: there are 6 training videos (about an hour and a half total) that everyone on Basecamp has been assigned to complete. ExL has assigned some interim dates for these action items. Neil feels it’s ok as long as everyone completes everything by 24-Apr. Would like everyone to go this training. This is true even if a campus has already installed Alma, or has already completed the training previously. The reason is ExL is constantly updating their training videos. It will be a good refresher and may expand existing user’s knowledge. Eventually everybody will be viewing this training. It’s important that we as the IC’s and point people for these campuses and the PM;s are really familiar with what included in the training and also what not in there. It will help us all address questions coming in.
Caitlin: is it required for practitioners to be in the sandbox while taking the training? Neil: yes that’s true and is beneficial. Our sandbox is available now. Caitlin: what about when we get to be a much larger team of around a 100? Will this overwhelm the capacity of the sandbox? Neil: super easy to create users in sandbox en masse.
Neil: when you have watched a video, please post a comment on the task in Basecamp that they are done. Neil will mark the Basecamp tasks as done when everyone is individually done.
UCSB = ought to be in the vanguard (existing Primo/Alma)
UCB + NRLF = ought to be in the vanguard
UCLA + SRLF = ought to be in the vanguard
UCSF (small-ish campus)
UCSD (SCP) = ought to be in the vanguard (SCP records)
(CDL) = out to be in the vanguard (central records management)
Maria seemed to say that 5 campuses + CDL would be the max acceptable. There are two risk factors to having a large vanguard: (1) more work for us, (2) more work for Ex Libris. (Others?) Because of COVID-19, the WG has advised acting on a “minimalist” principle - because we know people will be out, working less, etc. Does that mean we ask someone to step back? If so, who? If not, how do we mitigate / account for the risks of a large vanguard?
Caitlin: the Vanguard period is from June to November.
More campuses now alleviates pressure on implementation period; makes it more reliable in terms of testing.
There should be a range of libraries, large and small.
WMS - UCM doesn’t have the resources to do it right now. Confident that the migration will go smoothly. Biggest concern is what it will be like getting the data out of OCLC - data is already clean.
Are we being too ambitious? Not if each campus is committed to the work, and ExL is committed.
Carlo: views UCLA going into the Vanguard as either a) glad we surfaced problems early, or b) it goes smoothly and we’re good. Either way there’s value.
All: mostly onboard with all fives, with four throwing fours. No votes below a four.
ICs recommend 5 campuses + CDL as vanguard participants.
@Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed) finish the Vanguard confluence page with our recommendation Apr 14, 2020
Discuss implementation form
Understand which fields to fill out as campus vs. system
What questions do we have for Maria to make sure this timeline is as accurate as possible?
Caitlin: does anyone have an issue or any concerns with meeting out deadline to complete the Implementation Form by next Friday, 17-Apr? All: no concerns expressed.
Caitlin: is the following approach OK? ExL comes up with an initial set of milestone dates for the UC. These are reviewed with the Steering Committee as to whether they are achievable and makes sense. Then the individual IC’s can express concerns and negotiate as we come on on a deadline.
Greg: do the deadlines represent UC and ExL tasks? Caitlin: yes. Greg: can we make it clearer which Tasks are ExL and which are UC? Caitlin: will followup with ExL. Greg: can we ask ExL to check off their tasks? Caitlin: yes.
Robin: is it Ok once a campus has their implementation teams identified that dates can be reviewed and confirmed again? Caitlin: yes
When are the handoffs between onboarding and vanguard?
What dates are set in stone?
What tasks are dependencies for which milestones?
Will there be checklists for particular major milestones (i.e. Vanguard test load)?
What do we want to do about any particular campus not meeting deadlines? (Recently we’ve pushed back wholesale when a few members can’t make it - Caitlin doesn’t recommend this approach.)
@Caitlin Nelson will work with ExL to see if ExL tasks can be identified more clearly in Basecamp to differentiate them from UC trasks
@Caitlin Nelson will ask ExL to also check off their tasks whyen done
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