2020-04-30 Meeting notes

2020-04-30 Meeting notes


Apr 30, 2020 2-2:30 pm


  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair

  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Ramon Barcia

  • @Susan Boone

  • @Greg Ferguson

  • @Lynne E. Grigsby

  • @Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed)

  • @Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed)

  • @Jeremy Hobbs

  • @Gillian Keleher

  • @Sarah Lindsey

  • @Caitlin Nelson

  • @Alison Ray (CDL)

  • @Alison Elizabeth Regan (Unlicensed)

  • @Catherine Busselen (guest)

  • @Lisa Spagnolo (guest)

Not attending

  • all in attendance

Future agenda items

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / Logistics

Report any major changes in availability / circumstances



If an IC needs to change a member on one of the teams, please handle this with an email to Lena and Christine.

@Caitlin Nelson send out new invite for May 11th overview.
@Alison Elizabeth Regan (Unlicensed) or @Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed) indicate in Basecamp that the GTKA training ToDo’s are done for UCI since they have several personnel already certified in Alma

Timeline review

Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines



Basecamp scheduled items: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/schedules/2379093803

Heads up: May 11th intro to zones and May 18th Q&A

Is there a vanguard campus checklist?

We have migration mapping form, but what about workflows and policies.

Greg: what about Loan Policies? Should we harmonize these across campuses?


Get Vanguard campus checklist from Ex Libris

ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups

ICs know how it’s going with these groups



List of questions from the ILSDC group: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13_eWpPShBSKb-pgFV-rdDHPjK_bmxS34z80TBMX3Lw0/edit

Guest Catherine Busselen

  • What is the impact the answer to each of these questions?

  • Why do we need to know this? Why now?

  • What is the background?

  • What are possible dependencies?

  • When do you need answer?

Questions for the ICs should be directed to the SILS-IC-L list.

ICs can make Decision pages, which will then be vetted by the group.

@Tom Bustos to take the top 4 of these questions and put them into decision pages in the IC space using the decision page template.
@Catherine Busselen will look at those decision pages and fill in background / ramifications.

Questions for Alma/Primo campuses

Get some answers to the topics from the Slack poll



P2E Process (guests Catherin Busselen ILSDC, and Lisa Spagnolo Acq/ERM)

Sarah: local experience was that p2E was the most confusing part of the process. Alma differentiates between print and electronic records. Connected to how the order records are formatted. Holdings can be associated with either record, but order have to be to print, electronic, or services.

The P2E process assigns a record depending on what you enter.

One of the problems encountered. Had a lot of ToC links in bib records that snuck through to the P2E. Everyone of those got an electronic portfolio record created. The portfolios are for access. They are access links. Id you had a CDL record with 4 different access points for one record, Alma woudl create 4 different portfolio records for each one of these links.

The cleanup post-migration was to clean up all of these erroneously created portfolio records.

Another thing that happened with P2E was SCP serial records. These records went through P2E. The order records were erroneously created for electronic even though these were for print records. This was not solvable post migration. Required order records to be recreated. This created the most post-migration work of any category of problem.

Robin: this is one of the areas they would have done differently. We would have done more analysis of the test load.

Sarah: another error that occured was Millenium based. If you have a bunch of ebooks that are part of a collection, do not check the box that they should be migrated as collection records. Each one is its own collection instead of them all being part of a single collection. This doesn’t break anything, it just prevents you from taking advantage of all the Alma analytics that are available.

Lisa: you send in your bib record ID and you indicator whether its a portfolio package or database. Cleanup on order records is necessary. Also cleanup your resources for electronic records file. So in the clean-up - grab that 856 fields and pull those out.
pull out bib #s where it's a TOC...

Lynne: the ToC links went over as portfolios? Sarah: this was an error. 45 days were shaved off the schedule and things were rushed. Advice: really carefully identify the electronic records. What kind of wierdo linkis that are not access linkis and do not put them through P2E.

Caitlin: who owns the P2E? Who checking the checkbox?

Lisa: P2E documentation: http://exl-edu.com/01_Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/Migration_Guides/P2E/#/

Catherine: the most difficult thing is that the process for transporting P2E data is different. The data cleanup must be done in a particular way pre-migration. ExL lays out what the bad patterns, how to format data to make the P2E transform go cleanly.

Lisa: ExL is building the ILM space. It touches on a lot of different areas. Big pain point.

Sarah: tied to whatever esoteric decisions a campus may have made. Being conscious of these pitfalls will help.




Network Zone investigation

Discussion of what we learned from the video and readings

0 - next time


What did you see that is a high-priority decision that the ICs / UC will need to make?

Collaborative Decision Making to-do in basecamp

  • Running doc with questions?

  • Vision / principles / practices doc?

  • Talk to other consortia

  • What does ExL have in terms of defaults that we can take?

  • Assumptions doc

Q: Are all NZs the same? “when you’ve talked to one consortium, you’ve talked to one consortium.”

Preread? What other resources are there? How do we know what questions we have?




Other / Homework




SC will review what’s on our plates and send out an update.






85 / 90






The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu