2020-11-05 Meeting notes KICKOFF
Nov 5, 2020 10-12
@Tom Bustos , co-chair
@Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair
@Lakshmi Arunachalam
@Ramon Barcia, out
@Susan Boone
@Greg Ferguson
@Lynne E. Grigsby
@Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed) , out
@Jeremy Hobbs , out
@Gillian Keleher
@Sarah Lindsey , out
@Alison Ray (CDL)
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM
Participants: 94
Discussion items
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Kickoff - Marci |
| @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will share the kickoff slides with SILS-Cohort so they can be shared more broadly at campuses. |
2 | Kickoff - Laurie |
Field mapping
ILS data extracts
Delivered files list
360/Intota reports and migration form
See cheat sheet for deliverables required. Migration process
ExL delivery of Alma test load
3 | Questions for Ex Libris |
| 0 |
| Q: For the project schedule - could you briefly talk about the freeze period, such as how long and when? A: Covered in the Cutover process documentation. How long depends on the test load – depends on the complexities; how long things take to load. Starting from go-live, we’ll work back from that date based on your test load. Q: We have MARC records loaded into Primo VE that are from CDL and we don't want them to migrate. What do we need to do to prevent that from happening? (UCSC) A: They won’t migrate over since they are only in Primo VE. Only records from Alma are coming over. What did UCSB do? UCSB is on Primo backoffice so it’s different than the existing Almas on PrimoVE. Do they have a tag that can be identified to exclude? Is it the same for all campuses. UCSC put a specific tag to identify these records. Q: Could you please confirm that "IZ to NZ linking", part of migration progress, will not contribute IZ bib to NZ if the match is not found in NZ? A: Yes. Q: We are on Alma and have been hearing that data extraction will mainly be for "Resources", (bibliographic records, holdings, items). What about acquisitions data (purchase orders, invoices, etc.) A: Bib records are used to build the NZ. The live Alma environment will be a copy of everything. Followup: Some of the SCP records also have individual campus inventory, so they can't be excluded completely. Laurie responded that ExL will have to consider this. Q: is the MFT different for test load than for vg? A: Exact same share. permissions expire so before migration meeting, Laurie will extend the time period and ask you to confirm you can still access it. Except for CDL IZ which will have a different share. Q: Can you please explain a bit more about vanguard campuses uploading pre-existing field mapping forms for Test Load? A: When you open the data validation tool, you can import the form to avoid recreating everything. Q: We've been discovering that there are a lot of tasks we'll need to do in the UC Network Alma environment (NZ) (that are not possible to do in our local environments). Do we know yet how access to the UCS Alma NZ will be distributed in test load or go-live? Or is that up to us? A: ExL gave admin login access to NZ admins and left it up to UC to decide who gets access to the NZ. Alison Ray created staff accounts for everyone who requested access. Laurie speculated that accounts should be retained from test load at cutover. Laurie will confirm NZ accounts are retained at cutover. Q: Could you confirm that CDI will be enabled for test load? A: Working on CDI for Test Load. |
4 | Parking lot |
| 0 |
5 |
| TOTAL | 120 |
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