2020-11-12 Meeting notes

2020-11-12 Meeting notes


Nov 12, 2020 2-3:30 pm


  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair, out

  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • @Ramon Barcia, available until 3pm

  • @Susan Boone

  • @Greg Ferguson

  • @Jackie Gosselar (in training)

  • @Lynne E. Grigsby

  • @Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed)

  • @Jeremy Hobbs

  • @Gillian Keleher (working out of state - may not be available)

  • @Sarah Lindsey

  • @Caitlin Nelson

  • @Alison Ray (CDL)(out on 11/12, 11/19)

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM, out 11/19

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Letter to CIO re: integrations work



Adrian Petrisor (UCI IT Director, SILS Com Leads) and Todd Grappone (AUL UCLA, SILS WG) will present a template integrations email to send to your CIO. Q&A.

Adrian will share UCI’s integrations list as a sample to compare with your own list.


Adrian, Todd

  • Intended as an onramp for having conversations with central campus IT to support the implementation of SILS.

  • Existing Alma campuses probably do not need to send the email unless there’s integrations work they will be needed for.

  • Mandatory? No, but strongly encouraged. Even if you have already informed your CIO, this ensures all CIOs get the same message (and your UL is cc’ed.)

  • Deadline? At your earliest convenience.




Check-in / Logistics

Report any major changes in availability / circumstances



  • Alison Ray - will be late today (11/12/2020) will miss next week (11/19/2020)

  • Lena will also miss the 11/19/20 meeting.

  • UCLA - no plans to reopen anytime soon.

  • UCB will be off 12/23-1/4

  • UCSC & UCI will be off 12/21-1/1, 6 unpaid days




ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups / PPC

Patron Data (Carlo)

ILS Data Cleanup (Tom)

PPC: All-decision Rollup

Of potential interest: Decisions relevant to IC groupUNDEFINED



Patron data: No update.

ILSDC: The ILSDC will be rolling out Test Load Data Cleanup Recommendations on our blog over the next several weeks.  Here is today's post: https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/MY000Wox .  We have more in the pipeline so be sure to add yourself as a watcher if you would like to get blog updates as they come out.

Data cleanup may not get done by the test load.





Timeline review

Post questions in Basecamp as they come up. It’s open 24/7!

Questions should be posted to Basecamp 2 weeks ahead EOD Wednesday for special meetings and EOD Monday for Thursday standard office hours.

working copy week-by-week timeline with testing, data cleanup

Timeline Feedback Plan for the process of approving the timeline with ICs


Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines: Basecamp To-Dos and share FYIs

Confluence Implementation Timeline



Reminder to create invite + Zoom for your January config meeting by 11/30 (SD, UCLA, UCM. Thanks SF and UCB!)

Slides from 11/5 Kickoff meeting on basecamp: https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/R1hNbk6RkyAZdyHVzzxPceAf

Marci discussed the certification requirements with the ExL project team and Professional Services management - and they revised the requirements a bit to make it easier: 

  • Alma Certifications

    • Existing Alma campuses are excused from the Alma certification requirements.

    • For any new campus, they must have 1 person certified in Alma by Test Load completion for us to deliver the Alma environment with open configurations.

    • For any new campus, they must have 2 people certified in Alma by Go Live.

    • Follow-up question from yesterday: The NZ will have the same new campus requirements as above.

  • Primo VE Certifications

    • Existing Primo VE campuses are excused from the Primo VE certification requirements.

    • For any campus new to Primo VE, they will need to have 2 people certified in Primo VE by Go Live.

There are quite a few configurations that staff will still have access to - so it’s not completely restrictive.

ExL will be providing a list of what is configurable or not if/when configurations remain locked.  




Technical communication & engagement next steps


  1. Subgroup A: Requesting an upgrade to the ExLibris team

    1. Perhaps around specific expertise currently not present (Concrete examples will help)

    • Timing: immediate; need 2-3 members from IC and PPC.

    • Deliverable: Create a document by the end of Nov to be shared with ExLibris.

  2. Subgroup B, part 1: Upgrading UC’s questions game (time-sensitive)

    1. Ask the best questions (Carlo, Tom will start a document)

    2. Follow up on incomplete / wrong answers

    • Timing: immediate; need volunteers.

  3. Subgroup B, part 2: What non-UC resources can we draw on? (can be built over time, hope is that current Alma campuses may take a lead role)

    1. Knowledge base

    2. Listservs

    3. ELUNA groups and other consortia’s resources (

    • Timing: build over time on Confluence (so it’s available to all)

  4. Subgroup C: How do we communicate better within UC?

    1. Alma campuses supporting non-alma campuses

    2. Specific topical meetings (for example, P2E)

    3. Google Group (Here’s the UC-Alma group info: Group URL: https://groups.google.com/a/ucsc.edu/d/forum/uc_alma-group)

    4. Upgrading IC/PPC communication

    5. Define what’s lacking/info gaps - what’s the problem? 

    6. Reemphasize importance of decision pages and Confluence meeting notes as a self-serve communication tool 

    • What’s the most important thing to focus on?



  • Subgroup A volunteers: Carlo, Lynne.

  • Subgroup B, part 1 volunteers: Carlo, Tom, Greg

  • Subgroup B, part 2 volunteers: Lakshmi

  • Subgroup C: wait.




Other / Homework




Printing at a future IC meeting. Invite IT staff at your campus as desired.

  • Examples of what’s printed: Hold slips, receipts, labels, patron records, list of what a patron has checked out. Note: not all campuses do printing for all things (some such as UCSC have moved to email receipts and not printing hold slips.)

  • Open it up more broadly? Seems like there could be broader interest from Fulfillment and other groups who do printing.

Use an IC meeting for a UC-led printing meeting. Alma campuses will present. We will open it to other interested FGs and local staff. Record the meeting.

@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will do a poll on slack for the best date for Printing meeting (taking over an IC meeting) Jan 7, 14 or 21.

Questions for Ex Libris PM








Parking lot




  • Reminder about the UC-Alma group as we get closer to test load (great place to post questions!)














The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu