2021-01-22 Meeting notes

2021-01-22 Meeting notes


Jan 22, 2021

Zoom link in Outlook Calendar invitation.

Notetaker: @Erika Quintana


  • @Kevin Balster UCLA (Voyager)

  • @Marcia Barrett UC Santa Cruz (Alma/Primo)

  • @Catherine Busselen UC Santa Barbara (co-chair) (Alma/Primo)

  • @Ryan Finnerty UC San Diego (Millennium)

  • @Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) California Digital Library/SCP (Millennium)

  • @Joshua Chaim Hutchinson (Unlicensed) UC Irvine (Alma/Primo)

  • @TJ Kao UC Davis (co-chair) (Alma/Primo)

  • @Cathleen Lu UC San Francisco (Millennium)

  • @Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) UC Berkeley (Millennium)

  • @Erika Quintana UC Riverside (Alma/Primo)

  • @Sarah Sheets UC Merced (WMS)

Not attending

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Share short pieces of need-to-know information

5 min


  • For testing doc, make sure to make copy of template saved to local drive, rather than using the template version.

  • Please check doc to make sure your clean-up plans are up-to-date (whether completed, in progress or on hold for migration, etc.)


Resource Management FG’s decisions:

In progress:

https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/RzF9Tze6 (Due Jan 12, 2021 )



Review decision(s)

Determine what, if any, recommendations for data cleanup, testing or post-migration cleanup will need to be made to support the decisions

10 min



May want to have definition for “do no harm” for NZ records; what is harmful and what is beneficial.

  • Recommendation to all in group to read through the two docs to review contents of decisions in relation to post-migration cleanup.

Acquisitions & E-Resources FG decisions:

In progress:

https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/H11QX3g1 (Due February 26, 2021)

https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/7fuDERKQ (Due April 28, 2021)

Review decision(s)

Determine what, if any, recommendations for data cleanup, testing or post-migration cleanup will need to be made to support the decisions

5 min




  • Recommendation to all in group to read through the two docs to review contents of decisions in relation to post-migration cleanup.

Test Load Information Updates

Track known data cleanup issues from test load

Determine if these should be dealt with pre-migration or post-migration

10 min


Alma libraries--validation errors

Other libraries--Unicode coding

  • UCI/UCR/UCSC had some records with “unicode” errors but were mostly brief records or vendor record issues; Alma “fixed” for implementation load.

  • UCM had backslashes in OCLC #s that were removed prior to loading.

  • UCD had initially over 10K validation errors, fixed those and now have a base file of loaded records to review/clean up.

  • UCSB had few validation errors that came through, and some Unicode errors that have been cleaned up by staff.


Post go-live Data Cleanup planning

Determine how we want to track and communicate these.

Begin compiling list of known post Go-Live Data Cleanup needed (local and system/network)

30 min






  • Cleanup on NZ records: for records our own IZ contributed? Or any NZ records that may need revision/clean-up? RMFG may need to discuss/decide, in terms of roles/personnel.

  • May want to compile types of clean-up to determine how to disseminate the recommendations or list.

  • Use doc to compile / brainstorm for possible day 1, day 30, etc. phases of post-migration clean-up as decisions are more clear from FGs.

    • E.g. addition of 3XX fields to records in NZ if expectation is for all records to retain these fields.

    • Other ideas: missing records or withdrawn records/deleted records and their workflows, etc.

  • Should we take the ExL documentation of recommended post-go-live cleanup to use for local docs?

  • Go through ExL documentation to add areas of post-migration cleanup local google doc.

  • Alma campuses use first migration notes or clean-up found to add workflows or data cleanup that may be needed.



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Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu