2021-03-05 Meeting notes

2021-03-05 Meeting notes


Mar 5, 2021

Zoom link in Outlook Calendar invitation.

Notetaker: @Marcia Barrett


  • @Kevin Balster UCLA (Voyager)

  • @Marcia Barrett UC Santa Cruz (Alma/Primo)

  • @Catherine Busselen UC Santa Barbara (co-chair) (Alma/Primo)

  • @Ryan Finnerty UC San Diego (Millennium)

  • @Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) California Digital Library/SCP (Millennium)

  • @Joshua Chaim Hutchinson (Unlicensed) UC Irvine (Alma/Primo)

  • @TJ Kao UC Davis (co-chair) (Alma/Primo)

  • @Cathleen Lu UC San Francisco (Millennium)

  • @Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) UC Berkeley (Millennium)

  • @Erika Quintana UC Riverside (Alma/Primo)

  • @Sarah Sheets UC Merced (WMS)

Not attending

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Share short pieces of need-to-know information

5 min


Suppress NZ record review

Understand why records are suppressed in the NZ

Determine strategy for avoiding and/or post-migration cleanup

10 min

C. Busselen


  • The first 769 titles are ebook packages we expect to be supppressed - these are stub records. See column U, Availability.

  • Remaining majority are UCLA records. Fix for this is to prefix 019 field numbers with (suppressed). Voyager to Alma migration copies 019 field numbers to 035 field subfield z.

  • Numbers in 035 fields that lack a prefix – migration will treat it as an OCLC number.

  • Strategy - each campus will look at rows with campus availability (column U). UCSF example - RLF transfer in process

  • Option - remove OCLC number (move to 996 field) or add a non-OCLC prefix.

@Marcia Barrett Review column Q, Availability, entries for your campus and prefix any 035 field numbers or move them to a 9xx field.

@Catherine Busselen Review column Q, Availability, entries for your campus and prefix any 035 field numbers or move them to a 9xx field.

@TJ Kao Review column Q, Availability, entries for your campus and prefix any 035 field numbers or move them to a 9xx field.

@Joshua Chaim Hutchinson (Unlicensed) Review column Q, Availability, entries for your campus and prefix any 035 field numbers or move them to a 9xx field.

@Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) Review column Q, Availability, entries for your campus and prefix any 035 field numbers or move them to a 9xx field.

@Ryan Finnerty Review column Q, Availability, entries for your campus and prefix any 035 field numbers or move them to a 9xx field.

@Erika Quintana Review column Q, Availability, entries for your campus and prefix any 035 field numbers or move them to a 9xx field.

@Cathleen Lu Review column Q, Availability, entries for your campus and prefix any 035 field numbers or move them to a 9xx field.

@Sarah Sheets Review column Q, Availability, entries for your campus and prefix any 035 field numbers or move them to a 9xx field.

NZ Duplicate Title Analysis review planning

Take initial look at Duplicate Title Analysis in the NZ

Determine review process/next steps

10 min

C. Busselen


  • Very large file - 4xxK records! A small subset are records for physical items

@Catherine Busselen will ask Jim to run the NZ Duplicate Title Analysis again omitting CKB records

Marcive and SCP

Review our prior recommendations for these decisions

Begin creating guidelines for cutover

20 min

TJ Kao

Harmonization-Based Data Cleanup Tasks for Vanguard Campuses

Data Cleanup Recommendations Based on Test Load Decisions, Part 2

Data Cleanup Recommendations Based on Test Load Decisions, Part 3


  • See Records to Leave out of the NZ – must make certain there is no OCLC #. ILS DC can make this instruction more explicit.

  • See Marcive records should not be loaded in the NZ. Identify and replace prefix for OCLC with (Marcive). We’re limiting Marcive NZ records to UCSD records for quality control purposes. If campuses keep Marcive records in their IZ, the records will get stale. NZ Marcive records will be kept up to date. See Data Cleanup Recommendations Based on Test Load Decisions, part 2

  • Some data extracts were taken from current Alma Production environments, rather than the NZ file the campus created, then were used for building the NZ. Campuses need to come up with strategies to prevent unintended records being added to the NZ. Challenge is access to edited local records before Go Live.

  • We need a timeline for data extract

Once cutover plan is set, Alma campuses will meet with Ex Libris and Alma campuses to clarify how the NZ will be built and exactly how to mark records to omit from NZ.


@TJ Kao will draft a strategy for Alma campuses to exclude Marcive, SCP, etc. records

Review Day 1 post migration data cleanup document

Start organizing the document

15 min



  • Catherine added headings - Day 1, Week 1, Longer Term,, and Determined by Campus.

  • Check that Material Type is correct - importance depends on campus configuration. Are loan rules based on Material Type?

@TJ Kao and @Ryan Finnerty will finish moving data cleanup recommendations under the appropriate heading.

Campus report on what they have found in Test Load so far (by the record load order)

Information sharing

15 min





Cleanup in NZ Test Environment





  • Has a decision been made about who will be able to do this? We can request reports from CDL. How do we request access to NZ? UCSD needs to remove 993 fields in NZ records.

  • Has anyone done anything with Course Restricted materials? Does 9xx field work with Reserves functionality?




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