2021-03-19 Meeting notes

2021-03-19 Meeting notes


Mar 19, 2021

Zoom link in Outlook Calendar invitation.

Notetaker: @Ryan Finnerty


  • @Kevin Balster UCLA (Voyager)

  • @Marcia Barrett UC Santa Cruz (Alma/Primo)

  • @Catherine Busselen UC Santa Barbara (co-chair) (Alma/Primo)

  • @Ryan Finnerty UC San Diego (recorder) (Millennium)

  • @Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) California Digital Library/SCP (Millennium)

  • @Joshua Chaim Hutchinson (Unlicensed) UC Irvine (Alma/Primo)

  • @TJ Kao UC Davis (co-chair) (Alma/Primo)

  • @Cathleen Lu UC San Francisco (Millennium)

  • @Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) UC Berkeley (Millennium)

  • @Erika Quintana UC Riverside (Alma/Primo)

  • @Sarah Sheets UC Merced (WMS)

Not attending

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Share short pieces of need-to-know information

5 min


  • TJ created a document with options on how to deal with 035s that do not have an OCoLC prefix or ones on records we do not want to contribute to the NZ. The group revised the document

  • UCSC says that the parentheses are important to include in the 035

  • Ex Libris put a bunch of non-OCLC numbers in the 035 from previous migrations; be on the lookout for those

  • We will look at the Local Bib Data recommendations later

  • Everyone should make more additions to TJ’s document if you have them

  • Current Alma campuses need to provide numbers of SCP titles/portfolios that need to be deleted and whether they exist in Alma or Primo. Do the same for Marcive records. See email from Catherine on 3/18. Reply to the email when you have the numbers and your plan of action (suppress, delete, etc.)

@Kevin Balster will make additions to the 035 recommendations document
@Marcia Barrett will make additions to the 035 recommendations document
@Catherine Busselen will make additions to the 035 recommendations document
@Ryan Finnerty will make additions to the 035 recommendations document
@Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) will make additions to the 035 recommendations document
@Joshua Chaim Hutchinson (Unlicensed) will make additions to the 035 recommendations document
@TJ Kao will make additions to the 035 recommendations document
@Cathleen Lu will make additions to the 035 recommendations document
@Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) will make additions to the 035 recommendations document
@Erika Quintana will make additions to the 035 recommendations document
@Sarah Sheets will make additions to the 035 recommendations document
@Marcia Barrett will email the group with numbers/actions for CDL/Marcive records
@Catherine Busselen will email the group with numbers/actions for CDL/Marcive records
@Joshua Chaim Hutchinson (Unlicensed) will email the group with numbers/actions for CDL/Marcive records
@TJ Kao will email the group with numbers/actions for CDL/Marcive records
@Erika Quintana will email the group with numbers/actions for CDL/Marcive records

Update on Day 1 post migration data cleanup document

Begin adding steps/details for each task

45 min



  • The group went over a few tasks to determine what steps are needed plus who is responsible. These tasks can now be used as examples for how to fill out all the others

@TJ Kao will create subgroups that will work on about 2-3 tasks each. Each subgroup should have a member from a current Alma campus

Campus report on what they have found in Test Load so far (by the record load order)

Information sharing

15 min



Ran out of time




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