2021-08-06 Meeting notes

2021-08-06 Meeting notes


Aug 6, 2021

Zoom link in Outlook Calendar invitation.

Notetaker: @Marcia Barrett


  • @Kevin Balster UCLA (Voyager)

  • @Marcia Barrett UC Santa Cruz (Alma/Primo)

  • @Catherine Busselen UC Santa Barbara (co-chair) (Alma/Primo)

  • @Ryan Finnerty UC San Diego (Millennium)

  • @Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) California Digital Library/SCP (Millennium)

  • @Joshua Chaim Hutchinson (Unlicensed) UC Irvine (Alma/Primo)

  • @Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) UC Berkeley (Millennium)

  • @Erika Quintana UC Riverside (Alma/Primo)

  • @Sarah Sheets UC Merced (WMS)

Not attending

  • @Cathleen Lu UC San Francisco (Millennium)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Share short pieces of need-to-know information

5 min



Group Deliverables Check-In

Review last two deliverables

Determine if either of the deliverables should be adjusted; Lena states that we will need to provide a final report/update to the IC and SWG but that we can determine what information that report includes

5 min


  • A register of post-migration QC tests and results from each campus implementation team.

  • Final report of any uncorrected or ongoing post-migration data issues, including recommendations to address them. Report will also include recommendations on how to manage long-term data issues or those that arise after migration is complete. Due fall 2021 to the Implementation Coordinators and SILS Working Group.

Trello is very detailed and can be used to extract unresolved/ ongoing data issues. Do we really need to create a shared register with this much detail?

Distribute register using list of Ex Libris recommended checks?


RMFG Updates Affecting ILSDC

Learn if there are any decisions that ILSDC needs to be aware of

5 min


This has not yet been decided. There are several options offered.

An NZ account is needed to do any cleanup in the NZ


AEFG Updates Affecting ILSDC

Learn if there are any decisions that ILSDC needs to be aware of

5 min

Sarah Sheets

  • Working with sub-group on functionality of link resolvers



Campus Updates

Learn where campuses are on their Trello Boards, if there were any data migration surprises to add to the list of cleanup projects

Moment of truth! JK, we all have lots going on just want to know where we all are and if there are any pain points, unexpected outcomes, issues that might affect more than one campus, etc.

60 min


  • UCSF: Working through our Day 1/Week 1 local tasks (some of which we copied from the ILSDC Trello board), but it’s been going slowly as some of the checklists for each task need more investigation before cleanup.

  • CDL: The migration of SCP records went smoothly. There were only a few multi-matches. There may be a few Marcive records that were added to the NZ. There are 1100 collections and the problem with link resolvers has been resolved. An entire CZ collection was activated, and we have access to only part of that collection. This has been resolved. Acquisitions has several pending clean-up projects: Too many participants in several hundred collections. Gaps in some collections that didn’t get activated or are not in the right collection. SCP will set up local collections to pull migrated records into a collection. In process - corrupt records, bibs without inventory, 993 field deletes. Ex Libris is working on UCB bibs that did not go to the NZ. Trying to figure out trouble-shooting in the SILS environment.

  • UCSF: Working on day 1 and week 1 cleanup task. Some require decisions to be made as a campus

  • UCSB: Working on resources with no inventory. They are unlinking records from the NZ when holdings and items can be created in batch (i.e., sound recordings). Three buckets of data post-data extract: added local extensions for local notes - local note with $9 is in the NZ & local extension not created. Small multi-match report (169). UCSB had done a huge cleanup on duplicate OCLC records. They omitted these from the data extract and need to add these records back in.

  • UCSD: Physical resources - resolving technical migration work orders (update job was not working when run and finally ran today). Getting acclimated to work orders in general. Working on old Millennium statuses - some did not migrate to the right item policy. Material type did not populate correctly for lots of records. Serials people are working to create item records in Alma for unbound issues based on the check-in cards in Millennium before their Millennium subscription ends. Weeding out Bound-with records from records that are missing inventory in error is challenging. See Erika’s suggestion about using looking for “Availability = [blank]” when exporting the search to Excel. ER - looking at overlap between P2E, SFX, and CZ records. A lot of ER records migrated as collections - review needed to correct records that are not collections

  • UCM: Working on ER portfolios that lack some data. Very few multi-matches.

  • UCD: Whether there are duplicate records in the NZ are not a concern now. It is recommended linking to the NZ to get the daily WorldCat record updates.

  • UCLA: Checked for portfolios lacking URLs and bibs lacking inventory. Otherwise, Kevin has been busy with ER work. Duplicate title analysis - 18,000 sets. Some were expected – Ethnomusicology database existed in separate databases pre-SILS. Lots of multi-matches, in part due to updating records from OCLC prior to migration, and a relatively small number of records (~12,000) were updated to include the Voyager bib # as an OCLC # in the 035. Priority to track these down since it caused some problem overlays for us and other campuses if one of these became the NZ record. UCB updates records but does not retain invalid OCLC numbers.

  • Riverside: They duplicated the SILS Trello board and added local tasks. Review of URLs and other Day 1 tasks is complete. Work on multi-matches is pending. Flipped the 035 in many records before migration and will be discussing what 035 data to flip back. “Bad bibs” require the piece in hand to update & is a later project.

  • UCSC: Activated Alma publishing job for one week only because OCLC reports do not align with Alma publishing reports.

  • UCI: Working on multi-matches. Many are instances of updated OCLC # in the campus record and older OCLC #s in the NZ. UCI has an issue with some non-OCLC numbers in the 035-- still trying to work out how big the problem was. Experiencing slowness with updates. Campus practice was one record for SCP and local ER holdings. They are working on sets to pass to Ex Libris to delete.

  • UCB: EL errors - 226K records were added to the IZ but not the NZ. Approved EL test to add these records to the NZ, including UCB records becoming the master record. The 880 fields fix did not work. EL created test case to review, and the fix worked. EL will get the fix into production. One error - the 880 display was doubled. UCLA had problems when they moved non-Roman scripts to local 880s.

  • Extract from Analytics. If availability is blank, those are records lacking inventory that should have inventory

  • Is there a way to search for NZ records with no IZ records linked and no availability? No

  • Local Resource Type - we will create a list of campus local resource types (i.e., Videogame, Comic, etc.) that were created to avoid the Primo VE Resource Type “Other.” We will share the list with the Special Collections group before sending to Discovery FG

Inaccuracy of Alma Bib Publishing to OCLC

  • UCSB found out OCLC changed their Data Sync publishing profile without notifying users. OCLC Data Sync now does add holdings to records that lack an OCLC #, regardless of an institution’s Data Sync profile settings.

@Marcia Barrett will start a list of local Resource Types.


856 Fields



  • 856 with 0 or 1 2nd indicators will be deleted from the NZ

  • 856 with 2nd indicator “2” are allowed in the NZ, but these fields are being removed upon OCLC export to the NZ. Do not add/link records with 856 42 (finding aids, for example) to the NZ - 856 fields will be removed upon import.

  • 856 41 and 856 40 fields will be deleted from NZ records in August.

  • Davis uses the 956 field to create portfolios for records with 856 42





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