2021-08-20 Meeting notes

2021-08-20 Meeting notes


Aug 20, 2021

Zoom link in Outlook Calendar invitation.

Notetaker: @Ryan Finnerty


  • @Kevin Balster UCLA (Voyager)

  • @Marcia Barrett UC Santa Cruz (Alma/Primo)

  • @Catherine Busselen UC Santa Barbara (co-chair) (Alma/Primo)

  • @Ryan Finnerty UC San Diego (Millennium)

  • @Joshua Chaim Hutchinson (Unlicensed) UC Irvine (Alma/Primo)

  • @TJ Kao UC Davis (Alma/Primo)

  • @Cathleen Lu UC San Francisco (Millennium)

  • @Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) UC Berkeley (Millennium)

  • @Erika Quintana UC Riverside (Alma/Primo)

  • @Sarah Sheets UC Merced (WMS)

Not attending

  • @Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) California Digital Library/SCP (Millennium)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Share short pieces of need-to-know information

5 min


  • Upcoming meetings with ExL (complete list)

  • Offboarding to be completed by all SILS groups coming soon (handoff document, cleanup of ILSDC Drive folder, post-mortem)

Incorrect 035 Cleanup Identification and Planning

Document how to identify the records

Create a plan for cleaning up the records

Add plan to Trello Board

30-45 min



Instruction for UCD catalogers

TJ has added a card to Trello Board

Use the email instructions from Eileen on how to make an analytics report. Then in Excel, filter on the OCLC number column for just cells that contain a semicolon. Alternately, we can see if we can get a overall list from the NZ analytics though so each campuses doesn’t have to do it individually.

UCI and maybe some others also discovered some records where they replaced OCLC records in the past but left the old OCLC numbers in the record. These also need to be investigated.

All campuses:

  • Need to identify any such records your campuses might have contributed

  • Identify your records that were impacted and possibly relink inventory

  • @Kevin Balster will ask his CDL contacts to run a new NZ report that has multiple 035a’s and lists the campuses with inventory attached.

RMFG Updates Affecting ILSDC

Learn if there are any decisions that ILSDC needs to be aware of

5 min




AEFG Updates Affecting ILSDC

Learn if there are any decisions that ILSDC needs to be aware of

5 min

Sarah Sheets


  • Guidance on deleting old SCP records might be coming soon. Campuses are keeping them suppressed for now, helpful for troubleshooting.

  • Campuses are planning on deleting Marcive records soon though. Would prefer to do it ourselves, and not have Ex Libris do it.




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