2021-10-15 Meeting notes

2021-10-15 Meeting notes


Oct 15, 2021

Zoom link in Outlook Calendar invitation.

Notetaker: @Erika Quintana


  • @Kevin Balster UCLA

  • @Catherine Busselen UC Santa Barbara

  • @Ryan Finnerty UC San Diego

  • @Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) California Digital Library/SCP

  • @TJ Kao UC Davis

  • @Cathleen Lu UC San Francisco

  • @Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) UC Berkeley

  • @Erika Quintana UC Riverside

  • @Sarah Sheets UC Merced

Not attending

  • @Marcia Barrett UC Santa Cruz

  • @Laura Fouladi UC Irvine

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Share short pieces of need-to-know information

5 min




RMFG update

Hear about latest decisions that may affect our work

5 min

TJ Kao

  • RMFG are adding last four digits for each campus’s MMS ID to landing page.

  • Institutions have been asked to create sets of local bound-with records so that CDL can add 910 to NZ records. Example: OCLC# 11812592. Each institution has its own 910.

  • Merge rules for OCLC Gateway updated to allow addition of 506 - Open Access, and removes 856 40/41.

  • Search External Resources - rules tweaked to allow 020 and 040

  • If you see other “weirdnesses” in norm rules, merge rules or other data for bib records, contact RMFG.

  • WorldCat daily update still pending

  • Campuses are asked to test authority control reports cleanup if interested

  • Campuses are asked to review MARCIVE records in Sandbox NZ. These records have 506 OA and SCP 930 notes.



AEFG update

Hear about latest decisions that may affect our work

5 min

S. Sheets

None to report.



Local data imported to NZ

Determine next steps/priority for cleaning up local data not coded as such

15 min

C. Busselen


Master Google list generated by Catherine of local fields that are imported to NZ - most are GOBI-related fields.

ILSDC members welcome to add more fields as found.

What do after finding these? Send to CDL to request cleaning them out? Prioritize any that may be causing problems, or let certain campuses ID and clean them?

Possible to configure indexing to allow searching on 599 or other fields to search to determine how many records have these issues?


Campus updates (brief)

Hear from campuses that are struggling with some of their post-migration cleanup, have found things that need to be reviewed by the group, etc.

30-60 min


UCM making progress on minor cleanup project due to mis-mapping during migration.

A few updates for UCLA:

  • UCLA testing out draft workflow for 035 problem cleanup, including annotating if other campuses need to relink their holdings.

  • SRLF reported record with multiple OCLC #s (but not related to our Voyager 035 problem). Would it be possible to get NZ report of records with more than one OCLC #, since the Voyager #s have been deleted?


Campuses can add their updates after meeting ends as needed.




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