2020-04-24 Meeting notes

2020-04-24 Meeting notes


Apr 24, 2020

Zoom link in Google Calendar invitation.

Notetaker: @Catherine Busselen


  • @Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) UC Berkeley

  • @TJ Kao UC Davis

  • @Joshua Chaim Hutchinson (Unlicensed) UC Irvine

  • @Kevin Balster UCLA

  • @Sarah Sheets UC Merced

  • @Erika Quintana UC Riverside

  • @Ryan Finnerty UC San Diego

  • @Cathleen Lu UC San Francisco

  • @Catherine Busselen UC Santa Barbara (chair)

  • @Marcia Barrett UC Santa Cruz

  • @Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) California Digital Library

Not attending

Future agenda items

Review existing Data Clean Up spreadsheets and determine what cleanup has already been done and what is in progress at each campus.

Notate where the existing spreadsheets align with Ex Libris recommendations.

Begin creating list of harmonization needs


Discussion items


Desired Outcome






Review of Task List

Maintain Awareness of Incomplete Tasks

5 min


Our only outstanding actions will be dealt with in next agenda item



Complete Draft Charter



Review draft Charter and discuss

Make edits and resolve comments

Finalize draft

20 min



Accepted all edits and recommendations with a little bit of reordering

We will link out to three documents that we feel reflect clearly how we will work together as a group

@Catherine Busselen will add links to SILS documents as part of charter and send out for final sign off from the group
@Catherine Busselen after final signoff, will update Charter on Confluence page

Review ExLibris Migration Guides and Document Data Cleanup Aspects

Create spreadsheet template for tracking Consortial, Vogager, Millennium and WMS Data Cleanup Recommendations based on ExLibris documentation

Populate Consortial Spreadsheet

Begin to populate Millennium and/or Voyager Spreadsheet

65 min



https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/Migration_Guides_and_Tutorials/010Alma_Migration_Considerations_for_Consortia (@Catherine Busselen @Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) @Cathleen Lu @Kevin Balster @Sarah Sheets @Marcia Barrett @Ryan Finnerty @Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) @TJ Kao @Joshua Chaim Hutchinson (Unlicensed) @Erika Quintana )

https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/Migration_Guides_and_Tutorials/Voyager_to_Alma_Migration_Guide (@Kevin Balster @Catherine Busselen )

https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/Migration_Guides_and_Tutorials/Millennium_and_Sierra_(III)_to_Alma_Data_Delivery_and_Migration_Guide (@Cathleen Lu @Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) @Ryan Finnerty @Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) )

https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/Migration_Guides_and_Tutorials/WMS_(OCLC)_to_Alma_Migration_Guide (@Sarah Sheets and @Catherine Busselen )

We discussed Consortia document; filled in template on GoogleDrive with recommendations and questions for IC/EL and harmonization needs

We will have a template for Consortia migration and and each of the three migrating systems based around the Migration Guides

Other data cleanup will be addressed as a next step

@Catherine Busselen Move templates to shared Google Drive
@Catherine Busselen Write up set of questions for Implementation Coordinators (and ExLibris) and share with group before sending to ICs
@Marcia Barrett will add section about DDA and OCLC number duplication into Consortia template
@Kevin Balster and @Catherine Busselen fill in Voyager template
@Cathleen Lufill in Millennium template
@Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed)fill in Millennium template
@Ryan Finnertyfill in Millennium template
@Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) fill in Millennium template
@Sarah Sheets fill in WMS template
@Catherine Busselen fill in WMS template


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu