2022-04-08 LG-SC Meeting notes
@Lynne E. Grigsby
@Robin Gustafson
@Sarah Troy
@Celina Ivy (Unlicensed)
Meeting Recording |
No recording available (work completed asynchronously) |
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Welcome/Hello |
| 5 minutes | All |
2 | LG Agenda |
| 20 minutes | All Guests: Cynthia Johnson (UCI) and Erica Zhang (UCLA), OARMTF Chairs | Topics: Open Access Resource Management Task Force Phase One and Two reports are here: DOC Projects and Groups The Phase Two report includes the draft charge for the OA Resource Management Project Team
– DOC meeting debrief? |
3 | Townhall | Next steps with Aislinn & Tom? |
4 | Parking Lot |
5 |
| Total | 50 minutes |
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